

1. 業界工商口譯:工商業務出口行銷、外商產品解說及推廣、即時會議溝通、國外參展導覽。 

2. 青少年及成人在職英語教育:試圖將同步翻譯、筆譯訓練模式置入英語教育中。

3. 音樂或歐美純文學叢書翻譯:翻譯作品之藝術呈現,允許主觀且強具個人色彩等感性文字表達之翻譯創作。

4. 神哲學叢書翻譯及聖經部分譯文檢討:試圖減少宗教、中西哲學領域中生硬之「翻譯文字」,並以現代翻譯學角度探討清末民初譯作【聖經和合本】部分譯文之翻譯效果。



以中文及英文為主,國學經典如四書、五經、老、莊、【古文觀止】之原文與譯文賞析、中文翻譯文學如許海燕譯托氏之【人為什麼而活】、李牧華譯大仲馬之【基度山恩仇錄】、胡適譯自各國文豪之【短篇小說集】,望承  教授指導,可進行深度與廣度的研讀,他日並能觀摩實務翻譯,心手口並用;關於英文能力的加強,無奈所知甚淺,惟是渴望就讀  貴所之初衷;私以為日後應從英文詞、語、句法結構、文化背景、文學賞析、工商術語、新聞傳播、日常俚俗用法等多方面同時入手,聽、說、讀、寫四技並進,漸至如英語母語人士標準之發音與流暢之談話與聆聽節奏,言之有物,亦能不失雅趣。基礎不固,遑論研究?欲建立更扎實的語言底子,必先進入優良學府,求訪名師,勉力向學,或無忝所授。今台灣社會,國際互動頻繁,英語溝通需求益增,英語隨處可聞,其重要與必要,不言自喻。

2. 翻譯理論與技巧:異國文化交流之速度,隨網際網路之發達有增無減,待各主要領域語言符號熟稔後,與英美母語人士自能溝通無礙,然若未能以母語完整精確重述表達其內容意境,亦非為真明瞭。故須通曉翻譯原理,熟練翻譯技巧,雙語可由此相互發明,必皆精進,而收事半功倍之效。 

3. 廣泛研究興趣:
i. 專業領域知識養成:建立至少一種之工商財經、文學、哲學、神學、音樂、運動專業基礎知識及用語結構。

ii. 純粹翻譯理論研究:掌握直譯與意譯的時機,認識翻譯學之於文學創作與創字造詞的歷史地位。

iii. 其他語言翻譯:平時若有餘力,望能再進修過去修習之德、日等外語,意欲了解翻譯原理於中英文以外適用的機制,亦能藉此增加參與歐日語翻譯的機會。 

三、結語:民國八十九年,於  貴校參加小學英語教師師資培訓學分班課程,驚見各科授課教師之華采,盼能有朝於  貴校就學。回顧過往,空有性而不志於學,然雖不惑方悟,幸馬齒尚豐。唏噓之餘,若能領受萬一,則銘感榮寵,少窺堂奧而無憾矣。 



Study Plan 

1.    The incentive to study translation and spontaneous interpretation is personally to acquire the professional English language proficiency to implement at least one category of the following community employment:  

      a.    Spontaneous interpretation for manufacturing and trading business: General marketing management of exporting business, product presentation and promotion for foreign purchasers, real-time interpretation in conventions, touring guide and explanation for overseas product exhibitions and fairs.

b.    TESOL for teenagers and adults on the job: Specific integration of translation and spontaneous interpretation training models into teaching materials in language classes.  

c.    Translation in genres of musicology and pure literature: Artistic touches of translation which permits relatively subjective and sentimental expressions as creative, partially independent outputs.

Translation works of theological and philosophical publications along with reconsideration over the expressions in parts of the Scriptures in Bible: Alleviation of disambiguation of terminologies in fields of religions, Eastern and Western philosophies, close examination of translation effects in the Bible, the Chinese Union Version, published in 1919, almost a century ago.   

2.    Study plan in graduate school:

Enhancement of language skills: Intensive drillings mainly for professional-level comprehension of Chinese and English. Analysis of classical Chinese literatures such as ‘The Four Books’, ‘The Five Ancient Chinese Canons’, Daoism, and ‘The Compilation Of Classics In Chinese Literature’, along with the modern Chinese translation works such as Tolstoy’s ‘What Do Humans Live For?’ translated by Hsu, Hai-yen, Pere Dumas’ ‘Count Mont Christo’ translated by Li, Mu-hwa, and ‘Short Stories’ from the Lions worldwide translated by Hu, Shih, under the direction of Professors, on whom I would also like to be humbly reliant in the future in light of English learning, which is exactly the eagerness to be a graduate school student in NTNU, where the cutting-edge teaching resources teem and privileged habilitated authorities lecture. Yet as far as I am concerned, English learning should be focused on the balanced parallel development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, the rudimental four skills of language to the point of reaching the equivalent level with English native speakers whose expressions are decent and with a sense of personal styles in terms with semantic and syntactic usages, cultural differentiations, literary critiques, technological and economical terminologies, media, as well as the daily slangs and idiomatic or indigenous expressions. One could by no means be adept at English with a shaky basis. It is therefore desperate to build up such competence with regard to the soaring demands for English communication for international interactions here in Taiwan.

Translation and spontaneous interpretation theories and skills: It might not be considered one’s genuine comprehension of a foreign language if the oral or written contextual information fails to be converted freely into his or her own native language and vice versa even though communication with foreign people is fairly successfully conducted. That is the very reason why we should master the translation skills and their theories, through which both target and source language can be well improved efficiently. 

Extensive research topics:

(i)     Terminology cultivation and application in at least one category as followed: manufacturing and business, literature, philosophy, theology, musicology, and sports.

(ii)    Research of pure translation theories as the expediency of translation, rendition, or interpretation as well as the significance of translation pertaining to etymology as historic literary creation. 

(iii)   Translation in languages other than English: It is plausible to have my scarcely reminiscent German and Japanese overhauled as another offering applied to translation theories in general and opportunity to practice in the future, if time permits. 

3. A humble wish as afterword: Recalling the days when I attended the recruit training courses for English teachers at primary schools in NTNU, commissioned by the Ministry of Education in 2000, I was totally dumbfounded and amazed at the professors’ performances of excellence, erudition, as well as eloquence in English. I first had an impression of GITI when some of the professors then mentioned they also gave lectures in GITI. And this was the very moment I’ve longed for being a student there in spite of my poor language ability. And this urge still clings till 12 years later at an age of 42, not ever slightly shunned out of this barely stalwart torso.


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