這已經是第 101 次被問到類似的問題,快瘋了...
A. 親愛的外國顧客您好  XXX 今日有優惠活動告訴您   只要您辦理會員卡  就可以享受多重購物優惠  並贈送您精美辦卡禮一份  詳情請至服務台詢問辦理 我們有專人為您服務  XXX 祝您購物愉快!
A. Dear Customers from overseas: We are ready to present you plenty of amazing discount offerings! Sign for a VIP card, get a fancy gift, and start enjoying those best bargains! Please go for any service counter for further information!
Have An Elegant Shopping

B. 會員卡辦理須知
1. 須填寫基本中文資料(身分證號碼用居留證或護照號碼即可)
2. 工本費 30 元
B. Notification:
1. Fill out personal ID info in Chinese (ID No. or passport No.)
2. Service charge NTD 30

C. 會員卡優惠
1. 紅利集點:凡購物金額 1 元即有一點  300 點折抵 1 元 (特定商品折抵更多)
2. 會員獨享價:每個月有數十項特定商品 享有會員專屬破盤價
3. 不定時會員專屬優惠活動,如全館 9 折(特價品除外)
4. DM寄送

C. Benefits:
1. Bonus rewards: 1 NTD for 1 point, 300 points for 1 NTD discount. (More favorable discounts for specific items!)
2. Member-price offerings: Dozens of item at lowest prices only for members!
3. Surprising on-sale activities for members only! 10% Off for every item in the Mall! (except for items already on promotion)
4. Regular promotion catalogs mailings

同學們,還有甚麼不會表達的,不要客氣,請儘管 po 上來。
我會笑說:「我曾白白地得過比這珍貴一千萬倍的譯本。沒錯,是白白地得。如今,我也要這樣行,好讓送我這譯本的主人高興。你來,讓我順便告訴你吧... 」

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