
Part I:
The Department of Land Economy
The Department of Land Economy is a leading international centre, providing a full programme of taught courses within an intensive, research-oriented environment. It was ranked first amongst universities submitting to the Town and Country Planning Panel in the recent Research Assessment Exercise.
Land Economy, as a subject, considers the role and use of land, real estate and environment within an economy. It applies particularly the disciplines of economics, law and planning for the analysis of the governance of land use, urban areas and interactions with other environmental resources.
The Department addresses contemporary problems as well as more fundamental analysis. This includes both the role of governments in establishing regulatory frameworks within which land and related markets operate and the role of private organizations in owning, managing and developing physical and financial assets within those markets. This combination gives the Department of Land Economy a unique and valuable perspective of critical public and private issues.
The Department currently has over 40 teaching and research staff and approximately 320 students. We have a three year undergraduate course and a postgraduate program that offers both instructional and research based M-Phils, as well as a three-year PhD. Research within the Department falls into one of our two research groups, namely Real Estate and Urban Analysis and Environmental Economy and Policy.
In addition to browsing the pages of this website you may also download further information in the form of our latest Annual Report and/or Newsletter.

Part II:
Undergraduate Courses:
Introduction: Land economy is about analyzing and managing change, particularly change in the use of property, the environment and natural resources. It deals with finance, law, economics and resource management. At its core, land economy combines the disciplines of law and economics with reference to our environment. Land economy is therefore:
■ interdisciplinary: the Department's two primary disciplines are law and economics. Students are given a thorough grounding in both, especially as they apply to land use, urban areas, real estate, and the environment
■ applied: land economy is not just theoretical. It applies established disciplinary tools to solving contemporary problems, and this is what distinguishes it from more theoretical courses in geography or economics
■ highly rigorous: it has an intellectual coherence, and the individual papers in law and in economics have the same rigor as those in the Faculties of Economics and of Law
■ highly topical: land economy tackles the critical issues of the day. These range from the design of legal instruments for environmental protection to an analysis of the financial strategies for real estate; from the law and economics of protection of historic buildings to the effects of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community and the role of the World Trade Organization
■ readily marketable: today's students (and their parents) want to be sure that their university education will provide them with skills that employers value. It is no longer enough simply to rely on a general education. Land Economy graduates have found fulfilling careers in a broad range of professions and industries and the graduate employment rate is one of the highest in the university
■ international: problems of land economy arise in all countries, and the course is attractive to an international range of students.

The Land Economy course encourages students to develop an understanding of complex economic, political, and administrative questions. For example, how can the efficiency and profitability of industries dealing with the land, natural resources, and buildings be improved? How should private development objectives be balanced against the need to conserve social assets? How can the impact of economic or other activity on the environment be assessed and appropriately regulated? Can the divisive effects of uneven economic development (whether within the nation, region, or city) be ameliorated? In poor countries, what should governments do in the face of the explosive growth of urban areas and rural depopulation?
The development of an analytical capacity to tackle complex questions such as these provides a stimulating education for students who take Land Economy. Moreover, the explicit emphasis in course-work upon the interactions of the private and public sectors ensures that Land Economy graduates are well suited for employment in the modern world.
The Cambridge course has strengths that are unmatched anywhere else. It is not a vocational training course in town and country planning, environmental management, or chartered surveying, although it contains elements of each. Continued accreditation by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors is tangible recognition of its high practical value, and the degree also provides partial exemption from the examination requirements of several other professional institutions including the Law Society and Bar Council. Students enjoy the advantages not only of Cambridge and College life, but also of having a first-rate teaching Faculty, with an international research reputation and a wide range of interests. These are the people who are at the centre of the debate about policy changes, and the subjects they teach and the way they teach them have no parallels elsewhere.
Further advice on the admissions procedure for prospective land economists may be obtained by telephoning or writing to the Director of the Tripos Programme at the Department (e-mail landecon-ugadmissions@lists-cam.ac.uk).
若有進一步之問題,歡迎來函或致電本系辦公室洽詢。電子信箱:e-mail landecon-ugadmissions@lists-cam.ac.uk

Entry requirements
There are no special requirements for entry to the Department other than those required by the Colleges and the University. Candidates who have specialized in sciences, social sciences, or arts subjects at school have found Land Economy a subject in which they can further develop their skills and interests.

Outline of the course
Students can read Land Economy for one, two, or three years. The course-work progresses from basic principles (particularly those drawn from economics and law) in the first year, to more advanced analysis and application in the second and third years. In their first year (Part IA) all students take introductory courses in economics, public law, accounting, and data evaluation and a topics course on land, environment, and structural change in the United Kingdom. In the second year, students take an advanced economics paper, a law paper, and three others from a range of five on offer.
具有一至三年期之課程設計,並可提供實習;學習內容涵蓋法學、經濟學基礎理論 (第一學年)、與進階分析與實務應用 (第二及第三學年)。於第一學年 (Part IA),學生可習得英國國內土地、環境、城市變遷之實務問題研究與會計學、法學、資料處理基礎知識。第二、三學年,多為進階課程;諸如法學、經濟學、或其他五項專業科目之中選修三項研究,詳下段。
In the second and third years students may select courses which lead towards a specific professional career, or choose courses with a view to a range of jobs in business or administration within either the public or private sectors.
In the third year students have maximum freedom to select those courses which most suit their interests, skills, and professional objectives. They must offer four papers and a dissertation.
The course-work and supervisions in small groups are supplemented by field trips within the United Kingdom.

Notable features of the Land Economy course include:
■ computing: this is an assessed element of the paper in Accounting and data evaluation (Paper 3), and is required also in Fundamentals of finance and investment (Paper 6); and in Advanced techniques in finance and investment for Real Estate (Paper 15)
電腦化教學:會計學、資料處理 (請參考第三頁)、財務金融基礎及進階、投資基本理論 (請參考第六頁)、以及不動產投資學 (請參考第十五頁) 等教學,本系皆已完成電腦化設備。
■ dissertations: in Part II, which provide an opportunity for original research
■ expert research input: from the on-going research interests of the teaching staff
■ specialised library: the Department has its own extensive library collection
■ international perspective: this is not simply a UK course. Teaching and research staff bring to it world-wide experience and research in managing land and environmental change.



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