從去年九月十五日算起,我眾認真學習揮桿至今,已經滿一年了。基本原則不算、藍寶石不算,在此想把幾個揮桿的思考方法和認識整理一下,也算怪硝、也算秘密;既是如此,姑且用英文寫,讀起來比較費力,這樣,或許才比較容易激盪各位讀者嚴肅認真的思考吧?其中更卑微低調地蘊含了一項:我稱之為 「昇華的藍光」,為個人至今觀察 Rory Mcllroy 揮桿影片數百次後所領略之最佳釋放秘訣與原理;如同將藍寶石作更精密的切割,使之綻放更燦爛的藍光,耀眼奪目!僅將此心得獻與潛心研究的林世榮博士、熱心教學的松濤、美姿布、以及所有堅持追求低單差的勇者們:

1. I sometimes wonder if there's anyone who is never reluctant and embarrassed to face a solid divot flying over your ball. You must keep wondering why... Well, the reason is strongly linked to three factors: a premature right hand release from outside in, indolent hip rotation, and poor weight shift.
2. If you fail to fix the said three culprits for fat hits, you'll slowly shift your ball position to your left foot, in a far too fetched way, in order to seemingly allow, or forgive, your sluggish rotation replaced by a jerky hand sweeping motion. With the false ball postiton, you will hit the ball thin, cast, pull, or hook if you rotate and swing correctly. So, try thinking 'thrice' when setting. Your swing can be wrong at the very first beginning, or worse, when you are not even trying to begin.
3. Many times I thought my swing should have been from inside out. It was not! Just remember two things before you swish your club down: put your weight to your left foot, and have your right elbow nestle back at your right side. And the rest is thorough rotation, full finish, and to enjoy the perfect trajectory.
4. Swing is initiated from weight shift by footwork, continued by powerful both hips turn, and eked and consummated by still head position as well as  exact cue angles hauled down by your hands and arms.
5. Take up really slow, so as to rotate pretty firmly.


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