Any fear, any uncomfortableness after knowing his death, was totally quelled by the love poured from the Being of Light. Danny felt a warm stream of forgiveness through him.

But being dead was as so, what then would Danny do next? Danny thought to himself. He decided to move upward with the Being. He noticed that his body vibrate and humming at a higher speed. Up there he sensed a varied ‘energy fields’ that looked like prisms of light. He felt some energy flow like rivers, while some eddied like little bachs. Like sitting in an airplane and having bird view over the ground, Danny saw the energy form like lakes and rivers. There were mountains too, yet not craggy or jagged ones, with rounded peak and lush deep blue crevices.

As Danny moved around here and there, he was curious about how he did so like angels do. He asked the Being about it, but he offered no response. Danny was not dissatisfied even so. Instead, he felt relaxed and safe under the might of the Being.

They swept into a city of cathedrals, which were made of crystalline substance glowing with a light that shone powerfully from within. Danny was so small and insignificant in from of this giant masterpiece of architecture. It was clear that the angels built the building to demonstrate the grandeur and majesties of God, whose structures belonged to no religious, simply a monument of the glory of God. It was so powerful that seemed to pulsate through the air. Danny was totally awestruck.

Entering in the Notre Dame, the Being was no more with Danny. Danny looked around and saw no one, but rows of benches lined up across the hall, gleaming everywhere, feeling like love. Danny sat in the benches, facing a long podium that glowed like white quartz. The wall behind the podium was a spectacular carousel of colors, ranging from pastels to bright neon, merging, surging, and pulsing the way the ocean does when one is far out at sea and looks into its depths. Its beauty was hypnotic.

There must be someone else beside Danny, maybe just like him, all spirits after their death. The reason why he couldn’t see them, in his assumptions, was that being alone and seeing no each other could make each one more concentrated on what would appear in front of them. ‘Something is going to happen up there’, he thought.

Danny sat back and waited. What happened next was the most amazing part of his spiritual journey.

To be continued...

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