Reiko Ohnuma, Ties That Bind: Maternal Imagery and Discourse in Indian Buddhism, p. 3-133.
paper needs
1. Miriam Levering “The Huatou Revolution, Pure Land Practices, and Dahui’s Chan Discourse on the Moment of Death,” Frontiers of History in China 8:3 (2013) pp. 342-365.
2. ML “Dahui Zonggao (1089-1163) and Death, with special Attention to his ‘Sermons to the Ten Directions (Pushuo)’”
3.ML “Dahui and Chan Sermons on Death”
4. "Introduction, in The Buddhist Dead: Practices, Discourses, Representations" edited by Bryan J. Cuevas, Jacqueline Ilyse Stone, pp. 1-31.
5. Strong, John, “Final Days, Parinirvana.”
6. Jacqueline I. Stone, “By the Power of one’s Last Nenbutsu: Deathbed Practices in Early Medieval Japan”
Additional Readings if you write a paper on this topic:
7. John S. Strong, "The Funeral of the Buddha," in Cuevas and Stone, ed., The Buddhist Dead.
8. Jaccqueline I. Stone, “With the Help of Good Friends: Deathbed Ritual Practices in Early Medieval Japan”
9. Jacqueline I. Stone, “Death,” in Critical Terms for the Study of Buddhism
1. What distinguishes the death of the “ordinary dead” from the death of the “special dead” in Buddhism?
2. According to Frank Reynolds, Buddhism has held forth the promise of insight into a larger reality within which the power of death could be domesticated and defeated.” Can you give some further elaboration of this notion, and some examples?
3. What is “burial ad sanctos”? Do Chinese, Japanese or Korean Buddhists practice burial ad sanctos?
4. Do you perceive an incompatibility or tension between Buddhist death-related practices and the Buddhist doctrine of “anatta” or no-self?
5. What is the significance of “one’s last thoughts at the moment of death” in Buddhist, especially Pure Land Buddhist, traditions and practices?
6. According to John Strong, how was the Buddha’s death interpreted in the Indian Buddhist tradition?
7. In what ways was the Buddha’s death taken as an example of a “good death”?
8. What aspects of the discussion of Buddhist death by Cuevas and Stone in their introduction to The Buddhist Dead can be seen in Dahui Zonggao’s sermons on death?