Thinking Type  語用範圍  
•   Language that express academic thinking 例示

1. Observe & inquire, ask questions & give answers 問學   
•    What…, How…, Would…, Should…, Could…, 何?
•    I wonder…, I found the information in the (resource)… 管見以為...
•    One answer might be… 一解或為...
•    What do you think about…, What is you opinion of… 何?

2. Solve problems & hypothesize 擬答
•    We need to define the problem., The main problem is…, The conflict is mainly between… 其義應為...;系爭為...
•    There are different ways to solve it., The best solution is… because… 其解各有不一,惟最佳應為...
•    I think that the answer is… because… 管見以為... 是以...

3. Infer & Predict 推測
•    I predict that…, I think that…, I think we could infer that…, I bet that… because…, I hypothesize that…, Based on… I guess that…, The picture (or other graphic) means… 見 1. 第三項

4. Determine importance & main idea 批註 
•    The part where… is important because…, The gist of it is…, The main idea is…, The key details that support the main idea are… 見 2. 第二或第三項
•    The purpose of this text is…, The author wanted to tell us…, It's about a…that… 其意旨為...

5. Identify cause & effects 因果   
•    I think…was caused by…, The main cause was probably…, I hypothesize that…caused…, The most likely cause was…, The… led to… which led to…, The effects of… were… 見 2. 第二項
•    That wasn't caused by… because…, Just because it happened after…, doesn't mean it was caused by… 見 2. 第三項

6. Compare & contrast objects, ideas, or processes 並排
•    They are similar because…, The two differ because one..., while the other…, If we look closely at…, we will see that … is different from… ...有別於... 因...
•    This is much like when…, Notice how the two compare. On the other hand… 一為...、一為...,因...

7. Classify & categorize objects, ideas, or processes 分類   
•    It is important because…, It is not that important because…, It belongs in the category of…, We should put this in the --- group, I would call this a type of…, It fits in this (column, file, genre, etc.), 見 2. 第二或第三項
•    I don't think it fits anywhere. It needs a new category. 專屬性明確,不能以類推之。

8. Analyze – separate whole into parts and describe relationships & patterns among the parts 分析   
•    When we break it down into these areas, we can see that…, The parts are related in the following ways: … 可分為以下方面...
•    Let's see how the pieces fit together to make…, Each component plays a key role. First…, second…, We can describe it as…, It's important traits are… 面面俱要,試以下析之...

9. Persuade & justify – use evidence to support at position or opinion 論證   
•    That is a good point, but I think the evidence shows that…, What it seems to come down to is… versus …, Even though both sides have merits, the greater good will come from…, 見 2. 第三項 (關於此點立意甚佳,但個人認為有資料顯示...;歸結到最後,應是 ~ 與 ~ 的對比;即便雙方均言之成理,但個人仍偏好 ~)
•    It is a difficult issue, but I feel that the (positives) of … outweigh the (negatives) of…, If we look closely at…, we will see that it is better to…, In my opinion, we should… because… 見 2. 第二項 (兩難的爭議,但個人較贊同 ~;若仔細探究,將發現 ~ 較佳;個人認為,我們應當 ~ 因為 ~)

10. Synthesize – integrate multiple ideas into a new whole 整合  
•    In a nutshell, it means that…, Other sources also argue that…, It all boils down to…, Even though it seem that the text is about…, I think that…, The author is essentially saying…, If we think about all the issues, we come up with… 見 4. 第二項 (總而言之,此意謂 ~;另一說法強調 ~;總的歸納可以得知 ~;儘管文本敘述如此,但仍認為~;作者所言實為 ~,但就整體觀之,吾人將發現應是 ~)

11. Interpret –understand figurative language, analogies, metaphors, etc. 詮釋   
•    This part meant that…, For us today, it could mean that… 此語今謂... (這部分意指~;就現今用法,此語意思是~)
•    The --- is a metaphor for…, The --- is like a --- because…, The author used that analogy because …, In the same way that people…, the … 此可以... 喻知 (此為~ 之暗喻;這就好比是~,因為~;作者之所以會用這種說法是因為~;正如同人們~一般,此為~)
•    It's a figurative way to describe how…, It's not literal—that's the author's way to describe how… 言下之意為... (這是一種譬喻,用以描述~;此非能以字面解之,作者指的是~)

12. Empathize – understand the thoughts and feelings of others in various situations and time periods 表意    
•    That is a great point. I feel the same way. I would like to add…, If I were in (person)’s shoes, I would …, I think (person) felt… because…, 筆者肯認... (這想法很好,我有同感;我想補充一下~;若站在作者角度思考,我認為~)
•    Let's remember the time in which (person) lived and what he/she went through. First…, I bet (person) was thinking… 以氏當時光景觀之,可知... (請各位不要忘記作者當時的年代以及當時所慣用的表達。首先,我相信作者是指~)
•    How would you feel if you were her/him? I would… 設身處地言,... 應有何解?(設身處地想,這應指~)

13. Apply ideas and concepts across different disciplines & time periods 應用  
•    It's not all that different today. Think about…, This is similar to solving problems in science, because…, We also learned about… in… I can use and apply ideas about… to… 此理亦可用於... 領域中 (其實這與現代的觀念亦非完全不同,請試想~;這與理工領域所用的科學方法差異不大,因為~;我們可以清楚得知 ~ 中的 ~,現將 ~ 應用於 ~ 之中)
•    This relates a lot to the stuff about…in our English class. The reading strategy of … works for this text too. This applies to my life because… 此理亦可用於... 領域中,其理甚明,即... (此原理亦可用於我們的英文課之中;此閱讀技巧亦可用於本課之中;亦可應用於我們的日常生活之中,因為~)

14. Figure out and use appropriate vocabulary and expression 修辭  
•    I guess the word means something like --- because of the words around it. The word part (prefix, suffix, root) --- means…, I think it means…, I think a better word to use in this case is …, --- is an important word because… 見 1. 與 2. (我猜此字與 ~ 意思相仿,因為可從前後文得知;這字根意指~;我認為這意思是~;我認為用 ~ 在此代替 ~ 亦可;~ 在這裡是個很重要的字,因為~)

15. Evaluate – assess worth of an idea, object, or process by using clear criteria with evidence and explanation of priorities 評價   
•    The idea is important because…, The best solution is… because…, In looking at the criteria for…, the best idea is… 見 1. 與 2. (這個想法非常重要,因為~;最佳的解答應是~,因為~;衡量各個標準後,我認為最棒的解法應是~)
•    It is not as valuable because it doesn't meet the criteria of… 見 1. 與 2. (這個看法價值有限,因為並不符合 ~ 的標準)
•    That was not a good idea because…, That was good advice since… 見 1. 與 2. (這不是個好點子,因為~;這建議甚好,因為~)



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