instruction to an electrocardiogram inspection
~ good day, sir (ma'am). here is electrocardiogram area.
~ please take off your shoes and lie down horizontally.
~ are there any metallic belongings in your pockets such as a cell phone or watch? 
~ your shirt or dress will later be unbuttoned; there'll be six electrode bulbs put onto your chest, when you may shortly feel a little icy of them. 
~ sensors will be set by the hands and legs.

~ all the bulbs and sensors are off. well done, sir/ma'am. 


instruction to autonomic nervous system inspection
~ good day, sir (ma'am). here is ANS inspection area.
~ the device can examine your sympathicus and parasympatheticus status via detecting the differentials between each pulse.
~ sensors will be set by both hands and legs. you can take a rest with eyes closed during the next ten minutes, but please don't be asleep.
~ all the bulbs and sensors are off. well done, sir/ma'am.


instruction to height, weight, blood pressure measurement and blood testing

~ we're now measuring your height, body weight. please take off your shoes, face forward, and keep calm and stable.
~ we're now measuring your blood pressure. please stretch out your both arms, one after the other. please don't talk while measuring.
~ we're now taking a blood test and keeping the needle under the skin temporarily. did you ever feel dizzy when having an injection?
~ we're now rolling up your sleeve, putting on the tourniquet. that will be a little uncomfortable. please hold on for seconds.
~ disinfection performed now, you may be feeling a little coldish on the skin.
~ now clench up, the injection will be a little stinging.
~ please feel free to let us know if there would be any discomfort.
~ take a deep breath, please.
~ well done, sir/ma'am.

~ the needle is flexible, and you can freely move your hand.


instruction to pulmonary function inspection
~ good day, sir (ma'am). here is pulmonary function inspection area.
~ please take the tube and breathe into it as hard as you can and hold on for about six seconds when we will let you know.
~ don't inhale during the above test.
~ you can imagine a hundred twinkling candles in front of you and you need to blow them out at a time.
~ now we can start breathing. set, go!
~ very well, sir/ma'am. let's do it once more.

~ well, the blow may be too weak. let's try once again.


instruction to arteriosclerosis detecting inspection
~ good day, sir (ma'am). we're now performing arteriosclerosis detecting.
~ perivascular cuffs will be placed to detect the flexibility of arteries. we'll pressurize the cuffs twice during the examination.
~ please stay relaxed and stable, and please don't talk.

~ the inspection is well finished, thank you, sir/ma'am.


instruction to eyesight, eye pressure measurement
~ good day, sir/ma'am. here we'll test your eyesight measure eye pressure
~ are you wearing contact lens now? if so, please take them off for fear that the lens will harm your eyes while measuring eye pressure.
~ we can first test the eyesight. please be seated here, put your chin close to the paper pad, forehead a bit forward, and keep your head fixed.
~ please look straight at an image of a house, and don't blink for now if possible.
~ now we're measuring eye pressure. please sit the next chair here.
~ again, put your chin close to the paper pad, forehead a bit forward, and keep your head fixed.
~ now look straight at the red image in front, and don't blink if possible.
~ an airflow will gently blow on your eyes later. please be relaxed.
~ now we have you tell some colors. please tell us the figure on the chart.

~ please let us know if you are not able to tell what the figure exactly is.


instruction to hearing testing
~ good day, sir/ma'am. here we'll test your hearing ability
~ later we'll have you put on the headphone. you can adjust its position at your comfort.
~ during the test, please push on the button when hearing a beeping.
~ be sure to push the button on and then release it each time you hearing a beeping.
~ both ears will be tested at a range of various sound frequencies, which may also be at a very very low volume. please pay attention. 
~ now shall we begin? let me help you put on the headphone and be seated back to me, please.

~ the test is nicely done, sir/ma'am. let me help you take off the headphone, thank you very much.

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