1. accrue v.
  2. apportionment n.
  3. barter v.
  4. bawl v.
  5. belated a.
  6. benchmark n.
  7. blunder v.
  8. boardroom n.
  9. bust n. 半身像
  10. collaborate v.
  11. cutback in nph.
  12. debit n.
  13. default n.
  14. deploy v.
  15. designate v.
  16. directory n.
  17. disclaim v.
  18. dividend n.
  19. drape n.
  20. dubious a.
  21. empower v.
  22. envision v.
  23. eye-opening a.
  24. futile a.
  25. garner v.
  26. hardline a.
  27. henceforth adv.
  28. hearafter adv.
  29. hitch a lift vph.
  30. get hitched vph.
  31. hoard v.
  32. hood n.
  33. hub of commerce nph.
  34. hush-hush a.
  35. implicit a. 不明確的;絕對的、無疑的
  36. implicit consent n. 默許
  37. impost n.
  38. in-depth a.
  39. indicative a.
  40. interviewee n.
  41. knack n.
  42. lead-in a.
  43. levy on sth vph. 徵收、扣押
  44. liaison n.
  45. lightweight a. 無足輕重的
  46. live-in a. 住在受雇處的
  47. get lumbered with vph. 辛苦的做著... 的苦差事
  48. lumber n. 舊家具
  49. pallet n.
  50. periodical n.
  51. phase-in vph. 逐步引入實行
  52. porch n.
  53. premises pl. 建築物
  54. premise v. 以... 為前提
  55. prominent a.
  56. permanent a.
  57. rally v. 召集
  58. rascal n.
  59. reckon v.
  60. reclaim v.
  61. retainer n.
  62. slump n.
  63. tamper v.
  64. tangible a. 有形的、可觸及的、明確實在的
  65. tantative a. 暫定的、還沒確定的
  66. vend v.
  67. voucher n.
  68. wring v.
  69. zillion n.
  70. zonk v.




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