this's been first time i feel fine with been doughless since dietary scheme incepted, which lasted for 2 months from nov. 15, 2017 on. i intook beanary products, bean sprouts, stewed eggs, and great amount of cabbages with sea weeds soup to od the cleaves in my stomach.

yes, i seem to get rid off the induction of carbonhydrates that is the cultprit of flamming and cardio-vascular attacks.

now is the very memorial moment for me to be almost totally starchfree by proof of a lunch feast brought by johnny here to the class, in which there is nothing staple-oriented induction such as rice, noodley, or potato couching elements, but bean sprouts, fried bean slices, sea weed leaves, yokey, stewed cabbages, and other spicy supplements, all calories-friendly.

and now i, dare i now say, i'm learning on to being bit starchfree... :)

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