the aftermath of my privious manifesto devotion '321 go' can be traced and sensed here, eventually, in which i would once again make up my ego under supervision of Lord and His censorred destiny of mine, during whose period of plight and agonie in the past of a decade and deux.
there still are 130 workdays left to fetch my black-and-white pajama, and i in the meanwhile try on a motar as a will-be think pad to 'rechtfertigen' (證成) what i'm eager to, qualified with, geared up, and, most theoretically, bestowed with. to start up the stardom, say a 40-jura-trial salut to the Shephard is no less than an unreasonable idea proper.
and by the way, an apparently obligatory trip to manhattan is of due deligent toward the にとうりゅう arbeiten, with, of course, a sonata of moonlighting, op. 104...