The Soil Stradivarius (french pronounced as 'swal') of 1714 is an antique violin made by Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari of Cremona (1644–1737). A product of Stradivari's golden period, it is considered one of his finest. The Soil was acquired by Yehudi Menuhin (22 April 1916 – 12 March 1999) in 1950 and in 1986 by its current owner Itzhak Perlman, who played this instrument while recording the Cinema Serenade with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in 1997.

One of two Stradivari violins named after Belgian industrialist Amédée Soil, this instrument is characterized by its brilliant red varnish and a two-piece maple back with the flames of the grain joined, descending from the edges toward the center. The extended provenance of this violin includes the French luthier and collector Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume, the Viennese collector Oscar Bondy, who also owned the Hellier Stradivarius of 1679.

Other sobriquet Soil violins are the Stradivari of 1708 and two by Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù, 1733 and 1736.

Perlman plays the Soil Stradivarius violin of 1714, formerly owned by Yehudi Menuhin and considered one of the finest violins made during Stradivari's "golden period." Perlman also plays the Guarneri del Gesu 1743 'Sauret' and the Carlo Bergonzi 1740 'ex-Kreisler'.


Violin Concerto/ Serenade Melancolique - Tchaikovsky
Itzhak Perlman/Philadelphia Orchestra/Eugene Ormandy

1979 The copyright in this sound recording is owned by EMI Records Ltd. Digital remastering 1985 by EMI Records Ltd. © 1985 EMI Records Ltd.

perlman 所使用的小提琴,經過比對 (外觀、色澤、交易時間、個人喜愛) 後 (演講 0:56 vs 演奏 4:54),我認為就是 soil!所以正確答案推測應該是:在 1979 年 (其實 1978 與倫敦愛樂、由 lawrence foster 指揮所錄製的 Brahms Concerto in D, Opus 77,用的就是這把琴了),曼紐因借他錄音的,當時帕爾曼尚未擁有這把琴:這把我認為目前所聽過兼具有 '最美音色''最強共鳴' 的世界名琴!




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