Summary of Anne of Green Gables

Overall: Marilla and Matthew want to adopt an orphan boy to help out on the farm. By mistake, they are sent spunky red-haired Anne instead. At first, it seems that wherever Anne goes, trouble follows. She hits a boy over the head with her slate at school. Then she falls off the neighbor's roof during a game of truth or dare! But as she grows up, all of Avonlea comes to love Anne of Green Gables.


Chapter 1, Beginnings: The whole story took place in a small farm house named Green Gables in Avonlea on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Mr. Matthew Cuthbert and Ms. Marilla Cuthbert would adopt a boy form an orphanage in Nova Scotia. There was something wrong with there, and they could just get a girl. The girl liked the place Green Gables very much as her will-be hometown. And there began their stories…


Chapter 2, The Mistake: Marilla insisted that they get a boy to help them on the farm, not a weak girl, Anne Shirley, though she preferred others calling her Cordelia. Anne should be sent back to orphanage. That was a terrible mistake.


Chapter 3, Anne’s History: Anne’s parents both died of a fever when she was a baby. Anne could do the dishes well, but she was even better at taking care of children. She used to be adopted by some other families, but she was kicked back to orphanage because of their poverty, not affording to take her any more.


Chapter 4, Marilla Makes a Decision: Mrs. Spencer, the supervisor of the orphanage, would take Anne back for Mrs. Blewette wanted a handy girl taking care of her errands. Marilla knew Mrs. Blewette was mean and stingy, and she didn’t want Anne to stay at such a family! So, she decided to keep Anne by her side.


Chapter 5, Anne Goes to Church: Anne was an honest girl to tell Marilla what she really meant when they had disagreement on dresses. Anne didn’t like Sunday school, either. She thought Mr. Bell’s, a father, prayer was awfully long and boring, which Marilla also admitted. However, Marilla would never send her back to the orphanage.


Chapter 6, A New Friend for Anne: Diana Barry, Mrs. Barry’s daughter, at the same age of Anne, was her first and best friend. Anne shared her favorite chocolate with Diana. She was not stingy at all, which made Marilla begin to like her.


Chapter 7, Anne Goes to School: There she made several friends. Diana liked a handsome young boy named Gilbert Blythe, seemed to have interests with Anne. He made fun of Anne and said her red braids were like carrots, which drove Anne mad. Anne hit him over the head with her slate. This was seen by Mr. Phillips, and he punished Anne going stand at the blackboard for being so rude.


Chapter 8, Gilbert Blythe: Mr. Phillips assigned Anne to sit beside Gilbert for she usually liked the boys’ company so much. Anne told Marilla about all this and didn’t want to go to school any more. Marilla, after taking Mrs. Lynde’s, also her neighbor, advice, allowed Anne to learn lessons and other chores at home. Anne hated Gilbert very, very much.


Chapter 9, The Tea Party: Anne invited Diana to her house for a tea party one Saturday morning while Marilla was going to a meeting. Marilla told Anne they could have raspberry cordial on the top shelf, and they did. Diana Barry felt dizzy and got drunk! Her tea party had been a disaster.


Chapter 10, Mrs. Barry Gets Mad: Diana’s mom went very mad at Anne for getting Diana drunk. Marilla apologized to Mrs. Barry about Anne’s carelessness. She mistook strong liquor for raspberry drinks. Even though, Mrs. Barry wouldn’t forgive Anne. Diana wrote a letter to let Anne know she was still her best friend, and so did Anne.


Chapter 11, Anne to the Rescue: The turndown of Mrs. Barry made Anne want to go back to school again; there she began competing against Gilbert on their subjects. And geometry was her weak part. One day, Diana suddenly appeared at Anne’s house, telling that her little sister, Minnie May, was badly sick. Anne knew how to look after kids and brought some medicine there, giving May a right emergency treatment. The doctor later came and said it was Anne to save this little girl’s life. Mrs. Barry was thankful to Anne and felt sorry for treating Anne because of the wine last time, hoping Anne could forgive her and was happy to see Anne at her house anytime.


Chapter 12, The Sleepover: On Diana’s birthday Anne was allowed to sleep over at Diana’s. At bedtime, they raced to jump on bed, when Diana’s aunt Miss Barry was on the bed, too. Their rude act scared Miss Barry and made her very angry with Diana, not willing to pay Diana’s music lessons anymore. Anne went to Miss Barry and told her it was all her idea, and they were not deliberately doing so; she also pleaded her not to stop supporting Diana’s music lessons. Such brave act to confess one’s own fault and apologizing frankly made Miss Barry appreciated Anne very much. So she decided not to change her mind and stayed with Diana for one more month.


Chapter 13, Anne Takes a Dare: Anne and some of her playmates played a new game called “daring”. They told others to do something very dangerous or awkward to see if they had guts. Anne was provoked by Josie that she tried to walk on the top of Barry’s kitchen roof. Unfortunately she fell off from it and got her ankle broken. She had to stay at home for the next seven weeks. She couldn’t wait to go to school.


Chapter 14, A Very Merry Xmas: The students in Avonlea would like to have a Xmas concert to raise money for a school-house flag. On the morning of Xmas, Anne got 2 presents: a dress from Matthew and Marilla, a card and a pair of leather slippers from Miss Josephine Barry. In the evening at the concert, Anne did poem recitations. It was successful, and everyone liked her performance. The relationship between Gilbert and Anne was still bad.


Chapter 15, No More Red Hair: Anne dyed her hair from red to green, which was ten times worse than before. Anne was very regretful. She managed to dye her hair raven black, but the quality of dye from a peddler was really lousy. Marilla thus cut her hair short. No one at school dared make fun of Anne except Josie. She said Anne was like a scarecrow. This time Anne was not angry at all. Instead, she forgave her.


Chapter 16, The Boating Accident: Anne and her classmates acted out a play of King Author. On one scene, Anne had to lie down in a boat, but she didn’t know the boat had a crack at the bottom. The boat was sinking with Anne! At this critical moment, guess who came to rescue her? Gilbert! He rowed up and gave Anne his hand. After this Gilbert asked Anne to forgive him and wanted to be her friend again. Anne SAID NO! (What a bitch…)


Chapter 17, The Big Exam: Anne would like to enter Queen’s Academy to be a teacher in the future. Before this she had to take an entrance exam, and three weeks later, she did pass, the very first! Marilla even cried for this for she would really miss Anne when she went to Queen’s far away from her and Matthew. She hardly cried…


Chapter 18, The Scholarship: Anne was now at Queen’s in the fall, in a boarding house found by Miss Barry. She was very homesick, but she was able to go back to Green Gables with Miss Barry on weekends during these three years. Soon Anne was about to graduate. Anne got an honorable scholarship named Avery, and Gilbert won the other --- Medal, which both were for Redmond College. Now, Matthew was getting older and weaker; his heart didn’t feel well sometimes…


Chapter 19, Difficult Times: Matthew died. Marilla’s eyes were weak (presbyopia or cataract maybe…)and couldn’t do any sewing and reading. Anne was so worried about her, thinking up a way to help Marilla spend her rest days. And she found the answer.


Chapter 20, Green Gables Forever: A man came to Marilla and told her he would buy their home --- Green Gables. Marilla had no choice because of her poor eye sight. Anne decided not to go to Redmond and stay here with Marilla. She could teach at the Carmody school, reading to Marilla to cheer her up in free times, and Marilla could rent the farm to Mr. Barry. Anne would teach at Avonlea School at first, but Gilbert had taken the position. Later Mrs. Lynde told Anne that Gilbert had yielded this to Anne as he heard she would like to teach there. Now he would teach at White Sands. On the way home the other day, Anne met Gilbert and took his hand to say thanks and sorry for ignoring him for these five years. They became the best friends ever since. Anne was happy about the future. She would study and teach, having good times with her friends, and most importantly, having a home with Marilla at Green Gables.

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