Periphrasally fretting, whimsically weltering, and verbiage-like enigmas, to where there seems no ending for honor senior
"O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" ~ Romans 7:24
wreak, wraith, capricious, quaint, vouchsafe, inflict, condescendingly, cult, votary, volition, vitriolic, vitiate, viscid, virago, vertex, verdigris, patina, venturous, venturesome, ventral, revere, venerate, vellum, parchment, vehement, impetuous, vainglorious, fluctuation, vacillation, despicable, dire, abject, sordid, exalted, squalid, slummy, forlorn, despairing, pitiable, piteous, uxorious, unwitting, untenable, unsullied, unseemly, unbecoming, inapt, unison, unimpeachable, exemplary, undulate, unction, unassuaged, allay, unanimity, umbrage, tutelage, tryst, deceptive, trumpery, truism, betrothal, troth, prong, parody, travesty, travail, transpire, transmute, traduce, titular, tithe, threnody, dirge, thrall, tertiary, tenacious, temerity, gaudy, tawdry, talisman, sycophantic, surreptitious, supposititious, beseech, entreat, implore, suppliant, supercilious, contemptuous, superannuated, sublimate, subaltern, stringent, stricture, striated, stratagem, squander, sportive, splenetic, soupcon, sonorous, somnolent, solecism, peevish, petulant, fretful, get cross with, odium, pique, instigate, sobriety, soberness, sluggard, slough, sloth, slake, sated, sinecure, sidereal, shoal, watchword, shibboleth, sheathe, unsheathe, sheaf, sequester, seclude, sacerdotal, secular, sebaceous, scurrilous, scion, scintillate, sanguine, salubrious, saffron, rusticate, rueful, dejected, disconsolate, ruddy, florid, rubicund, rotundity, retrograde, retinue, reticence, resplendent, annulment, abrogation, rescission, requite, repugnance, disavow, disown, recognizance, reprobate, reprisal, repository, refraction, refractory, proper/improper/vulgar/decimal fraction, decimal system, refection, rectitude, recreant, recondite, rapacious, rapacity, ravening, major premise, ratiocination, rarefy, rapprochement, ragamuffin, embodiment, incarnation, quintessence, quiescence, quail with fear, pusillanimous, purview, purport, purported, punctilious, puissant, prosody, proscribe, prosaic, prorogue, propitious, promulgate, prolix, prognosis, prodigious, proclivity, proboscis, privy, pristine, primordial, pretentious, presage, preponderate, predilection, poultice pommel, poltroon, plumb, plenipotentiary, plenary, plauditory, pinion, physiognomy, shackle, manacle, enchain, hogtie, fetter, hobble, trammel, phlegmatic, philistine, pervious, perturbation, pertinacious, perspicacious, persiflage, pervade, perusal, perpetrate, perjury, perfidious, perdition, penury, pensive, penance, pell-mell, pedantic, bookish, pecuniary, peculate, peccadillo, patriarch, pathos, pastoral, partiality, parsimonious, persimmon, pariah, paraphrase, pander, palpitate, palaver, paean, ossify, orifice, oratorio, opulence, omniscient, obsequious, obloquy, obliquity, objurgate, obeisance, obdurate, nosegay, noisome, niggard, nigger, nexus, neophyte, necromancy, necrology, necrophagous, natation, jinx-hex, mulct, motley, moribund, mores, mordant, moot, moety, modulation
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