
資通電腦之國際金融業務軟體產品,在過去本國銀行在海外設立分行時,創下不少佳績。為因應網際網路 e 化逐漸增強之需求,於92年6月提出「國際金融軟體多層架構發展方案」計畫,並獲得通過經濟部工業局的「資訊服務業發展計畫」大型化輔導,將有助於後續新產品 eAresBank的開發,並期能迎頭趕上金融網路化及國際化的潮流。

本計畫係為改善現有國際金融軟體產品技術平台,針對開放性架構之平台建置與軟體元件開發進行整合性的技術提昇,俾可據以有效縮短後續產品導入時間、降低導入風險、節省導入成本。在 Web Solution 需求下,依循RUP方法,將系統骨架循序漸進地建構起來;同時運用UML+Design_Pattern+J2EE 的元件化開發方式,將業務系統 Modeling 化,建構 User Interface、AP Tier、DB Tier多層式架構,將 Application Server 理念與實際應用系統進行建置,移植。對於平台技術如 JSP、JavaServlet、EJB、CSS 與 XML 等,以及如何將物件導向分析、設計觀念移植於應用系統發展,訂定標準發展模式,以為後續專案規劃依據。

資通電腦延續過去 AresBank 國際金融整合系統 (AresBank International Banking Integration System) 及新外匯電腦整合系統 AFEIS (Advanced Foreign Exchange Information System) 的成功經驗,預期後續推出 eAresBank 新產品的成熟度及國際化程度將更加提高,有助於使用國際金融業務軟體之本國銀行海外分行客戶進行產品昇級,並可進而拓展大陸/海外華人金融外匯市場。

The general sales of DataTrans Computer Corporation (DCC, 資通電腦, 暫譯) for software products in international banking services have, thanks to the establishment of oversea branch locations of native banks, created some overwhelming trophy-winning records. In response to the increasing prosperity of international internet business flow and to cater to such demand, DCC proposed a program named 'Software Development Of International Stratified Financial Services', which is being massively endorsed by Industry Bereau, Economy Department in terms with its porject 'Informatic Enployment Development' in June, 2003, which might be conducive to the research of the coming product 'eAresBank' and enabling keep pace on the current trends as internationalization and e-commerce of financial business.

The main incentive of the program is to devise a more ideal operation system for international financial softwares in aspects like its trading ubiquity and the technological enforcement along with the integration of its software installing elements, which may effectively shorten not only the operating instructions of coming software applications following by it, the potential risk of compatibility, as well as the costs of production in general. Namely, its framework will be systematically constructed by means of RUP in demand of Web Solution; it will be also modeling with help of UML, Design_Pattern, and J2EE to set up other polyfold frameworks like User Interface, AP Tier, DB Tier, and the above-mentionedsaid application will be the demonstration and culmination of the conceptions and utilization of Application Server. The program also helps derive the eclectic criterion patterns of OP design techniques as JSP, Java Servlet, EJB, CSS, and XML, in addition to introducing the module analysis and design issues into the applied system operations, as refferences for further project plannings.

The coming product DCC is proud to present, eAresBank, already poises for the market in the wake of the former success of integration of AresBank International Banking Integration System and AFEIS, Advanced Foreign Exchange Information System. Therefore, the promising maturity of eAresBank and its enhancement of internalization to real-time software purchase upgrading for both domestic and overseas clients are thus to be auspiciously expected.


翻譯時間                                          英文程度預測                                           英文可能學經歷
30 分內                                            此人只應天上有,嘉言妙語似珠璣              Anglo bread and Saxon butter.
1 小時內                                          為山九仞,尚須一簣                                  At the verge of top nines.
3 小時內                                          勝人者有力,強行者有志                           All is well that ends well.
不明,因為看到就昏倒了!                  此文只應天上有,但求夢中說淂溜              To be, or not to be. That is the question.

至於我,唉,讀了那麼久的英文,還是沒法在 30 分內完成。真是 #%@$...

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