How to Write a Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is a document where you (the principal) give another person (the agent) the power to sign documents and make financial decisions on your behalf. For example, if you became mentally unstable, or if you took an extended vacation, you might need someone you trust to take care of your financial matters. A Power of Attorney can be general, giving the agent power over all your affairs, or it may be specific, limited to the transactions explicitly outlined in the document. Third parties treat the agent as if he or she is the principal in any transactions which the agent is authorized to conduct. Powers of Attorney are commonly used for both personal and business activities.

Whether you are a legal professional, or just someone who wants to save expensive legal fees by writing a Power of Attorney yourself, WhiteSmoke Writing Software can help bring an extra level of professionalism to your legal documents. As an all-in-one solution, WhiteSmoke features a grammar checker, a spell checker, a thesaurus-dictionary, and special enrichment features to make your letter writing stand out.

General Power of Attorney Tips:

1. Plan your document. Make yourself a list of all your dealings in which you want the agent to be able to act on your behalf.
2. Divide your Power of Attorney into sections, and the sections into smaller segments if necessary.
3. Don't use any slang, and omit needless words.
4. Use the active voice, avoid the passive voice.
5. Simplify wordy phrases.
6. Organize your content in order of importance.
7. Use numerals instead of written words for numbers.
8. Know where to go for reliable answers on correct English grammar and spelling. WhiteSmoke can make this easy for you.
You will of course need to check any state regulations to ensure your Power of Attorney meets legal requirements.

Keeping these points in mind, you can begin to write your Power of Attorney. For the last tip, WhiteSmoke Writing Software is the most complete solution available. As an all-in-one proofreading solution, featuring a grammar checker, an online dictionary and a thesaurus software, WhiteSmoke Writing Software will make sure your Power of Attorney, or any legal document you write, is easily understandable and devoid of errors.


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