
1. Yangmingshan National Park
Located in the northern basin of Taipei, Yangmingshan National Park is within the vicinity from Shilin area, to Beitou mountain area, and spread out all the way to other townships like Danshui, Sahjhih, Shihmen, Jinshan, and Wanli, a total area of 11,455 sq hectares. And its elevation ranges from 200 meters to 1,120 meters. Yangmingshan National Park is located in the north of the Beitou section. It belongs to the area of Datun Mt. It was called “Grass Mt” due to the whole area was cover with twitch grass, it was renamed to “Yangmingshan National Park” in 1950. The first view which catches one’s eye while entering from the gate of the park is a gigantic fountain, with varicolored flowers surrounding the fountain. It’s such an impressive sight.

陽明山國家公園:位於台北盆地,連接士林、北投、淡水、汐止、石門、金山、八里。 11445 公頃,海拔 200 ~ 1120。以前稱為 「草山」,因佈滿含羞草之故。

2. Flower Clock
The main landmark of Yangmingshan National Park, the “Flower Clock”, is especially popular in the blossom season with beautiful arrays of flowers arranged on it .a strike of the clock will occur in every 30 min everyday from 8am to 5pm. And it also plays mellifluous music.    Shinhaiguanfu House of Yangmingshan National Park is another popular landmark. One may take a far view of the Taipei Basin or catch their breath in this grand and luxuriously built Chinese-style house. In front of the house there is a pool with variegated carp, water plants, and flowers. The sight is like a paradise. The blossom season takes place in every year during February and March. In this time, vast tourists will be attracted by the blazing-colored blossom; a traffic restriction law is enforced to limit the amount of cars in the mountain. The main road to Yangmingshan isn’t too wide. Traffic jam shall occur during the blossom season. A more convenient way to get there is to take the “Blossom Buses” which are provided by the Yangmingshan National Park to the public.

花鐘:陽明山地標,早上 8 點至下午 5 點,每隔 30 分,鐘會自鳴,奏出優美樂音。有噴水池,各類水生植物茂盛蔥鬱,彩色錦鯉,悠游其中。二月至三月為花季,交通壅塞。

3. Bamboo Lake
The climate of Bamboo Lake is cool and comfortable. Calla Lilies are grown here and during its blossom season which is around Dec. to May of every year, the area is filled with beauteous white flower sea. This adds a romantic ambience to the place. One may also enjoy the personal experience of picking those beautiful Calla Lilies.


4. Mt Shamao
Does the round peak of the mountain look like the traditional Chinese officier’s hat? With just the elevation of 643 meters, Mt. Shamao is also one of the main attractions of Yangmingshan.

紗帽山:形似紗帽之故。海拔 643 公尺,亦為重要景點。

5. Datum Nature Park
The area of Datum Nature Park is about 50 hectares. The park has wooden walkways for strollers and sight seeing. The garden pool in the park shows the varieties of natural ecological environment.

大屯自然公園:占地 50 公頃,有森林步道、花園池塘等設施,展現各類生態活動。

6. Erziping Rest Area
Located in the west side of the Yangmingshan National Park, Erziping has a 1,700-meter long wooden path. The roads there are flat and smooth with broad and easy terrain for tourists to hike on.

二子坪:位於公園西側,1700 公尺步道,呈現自然地形走勢,提供遊客攀爬樂趣。

7. Lengshuikeng (Cold Water Pit) Rest Area
Lengshuikeng has breathtaking volcanic hot springs and lake sights. This popular touring site also grows high elevation vegetables. The “Cold Water Pit” got its name because hot springs here only have a temperature around 40 degrees Celsius which is lower than normal hot springs. The “Pit”, got its name from the fault of bowl-like basin landform. One prominent natural wonder is the milky, white-colored ”milk lake”. There are other attractions like Chinshan suspended bridge, public bathtub of Lengshukeng. Marry trailing paths can be found here leading one to Qingtiangang, Seven Stars Park, Fantasy lake, and Chungsheng house. It’s quite suitable for a family trip. On the trail to Seven Stars Park one shall feel the Arcadia during the blossom season of the awn in the winter.

冷水坑休息區:自然湧泉及湖景、高海拔菜園,因湧泉水溫約攝氏 40 度而得名。尚有自然奇景牛奶湖、青山吊橋、公共澡堂等設施。歡樂步道可通擎天崗、七星山、夢幻湖等地。冬季行至七星山步道,有芒花夾道,蔚為美景。

8. Ecological Protected Area of Fantasy Lake
Fantasy Lake is a swamp. Due to its mist all year round, the area flitters with dreamy feelings. Therefore it’s also called the “Fantasy Lake”. There are many swamp plants here, the most precious one of all, Taiwan “water leek” could be found here too. In order to protect this national treasure, Fantasy Lake is listed as an ecological protection area.


9. Seven Stars Mountain
This highest summit of the Datun Mountains, Seven Stars Mountains has an elevation of 1,120 meters.

七星山:大屯山脈最高峰,海拔 1120 公尺。

10. Seven Stars Park
Located on the mid-slope of the Seven Stars Mountain, the park provides a comfy pavilion and grass field for hikers to take a rest or catch a view. The pavilion in the Seven Stars Park provides a panoramic view of the Taipei basin. On a fair weather day, one may even see as far as the north coast.


11. Yulu Gudao (Pathway of the Fish)
This pathway was built in the Chin Dynasty era and it was called Jinbaoli pathway. The main function of this road was used by the fishermen to transport their ship cargo from Jinshan to Shilin. Now this mountain pathway has become a leisure road for tourists. On the side of the road there is an old irrigation waterway called “Wild Boar Lake”. However, it’s been abandoned from using now.

魚路古道:建於清朝,時稱金寶里步道,為漁人運輸船貨用,旁有灌溉用水道,名為 「野豬湖」,今已純供休閒賞憩之用。

12. Juansi Waterfall
The drop of this waterfall is about 14 meters. The flow of the waterfall is as smooth and beautiful as silk.

絹絲瀑布:高 14 公尺,水流細緻,飄逸如絲,故名。

13. Qingtiangang
The terrain of qingtiangan from Lengshuikeng is even and smooth just like a sheet of green carpet. This area was established as a grazing land during Japanese colonial time. It was called Dalinka farm and pasturing was its main establishment. One may still catch some cattle grazing on this ground.


14. Xiaoyoukeng
The melted sulfur under extreme heat would turn sulfur into oil-like form; and that was the reason this place was called “Oil Pit” by the predecessors. Here in Xiaoyoukeng (Small Oil Pit) strong sulfuric gas is gushed out. Xiaoyoukeng is actually a geological observatory area for post-volcanic activity. (Post-volcanic activity is the remaining later stage of a volcano.) One may discover the black-smoked rocky walls and pathway in some areas and this is due to the effect from strong sulfuric gas. The tree and plants are rather short along the pathway and this is also due to the effect of sulfuric gas. The only tall plant that one may find here is “Trochodendron aralioides”.


15. Dragon & Phoenix Valley, Sulfur Valley
These two valleys are located in the southwest region of Yangmingshan National Park. The one in the west is Sulfur Valley and the one in the south is Dragon & Phoenix Valley. The old name was called “Big Sulfuric Mouth”. This natural scenery is a must see for volcanic sedimentary rocks and terrain lovers. There are many vent holes in the Sulfur Valley. Just like the savage world, sulfuric gas holes and geothermal hot springs are formed. This place is the origin of the famous Beitou hot springs. Located in the southeast, Dragon & Phoenix Valley is the head hot spring restaurants. In year 2007, Dragon & Phoenix Valley was established here. More than 100 species of protophyte and aquatic plants are grown here. The precious Dragon & Phoenix hot spring origin is maintained under strict national park security and surveillance.

龍鳳谷及硫磺谷:分別位於公園東南側,為造訪該園必經之處。時有硫氣噴出,彷彿置身原始森林。龍鳳谷內有最早之溫泉餐廳。其中之溫泉源流,有超過 100 種原始水生植物生長其中,現已列為國家最重要資源保育區之一。

16. Chinyuyonghotsiliutsu Stele
There is a stele standing in the entrance of the Dragon & Phoenix Valley, the script on the stele depicted the sceneries of Beitou Mountains and Sulfur Valley areas.


17. Stable bridge
Stable bridge was in operation since Nov. 1993. It’s the longest arched bridge in Southeast Asia.

馬槽橋:建於 1993 年,為東南亞最長拱橋。

18. Stable Hot Springs
On the sides of the stable Bridge are the Stable Hot Springs. Many privately owned farm-style lodges are in operation; some famous ones include “Sun Moon Farm” and “Stable Flower Village”. After a warm session of hot spring, don’t forget to buy some handmade little buns from Yangmingshan.


19. Yangmingshan Book House
"Yangmingshan Book House” was named Chungsing Inn. It was built as a summer retreat for Chiang Kai-Shek to host his distinguished guests. It was also the only villa that Chiang Kia-Shek personally decided to build. The whole area is about 15 hectares and it’s now open to the public for tourists to visit the President’s class summer retreat.

陽明書屋:蔣介石當年避暑及宴客行館所在,為蔣氏生前唯一私建之建築,占地 15 公頃,現已開放供民眾參觀。

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