夫勤讀小說何故?柏欲啟之,而吾助柏起也。是該小說頗為有趣,柏啟柏則起,閱畢則必柏啟也,含穎棒喝曰:「十年啞牙無人破,柏起一挺天下知!」 回顧稍早,能閱此書,皆因柏而起,吾因此能享言社之高潮;言社者,言論之社群也。方知開卷有益,書中如玉,誠哉斯言!
Main characters in the novel 'A is for Alibi':
1. Kinsey Millhone, female, a private detective
2. Laurence Fife, make, lawyer, murdered by Gwen Fife.
3. Gwen Fife, female, Laurence's first wife, Greg and Daine were her son and daughter, murdered by Charlie Scorsoni.
4. Nikki Fife, female, Laurence's second wife, eight years in jail for alleged murder her husband Laurence, who hired Nikki to reinvestigate the whole case to find out who really killed Laurence. Colin Fife was her son, who was totally deaf by birth.
5. Charlie Scorsoni, male, Laurence partner at their law firm, murderer of Libby Glass, who found out that Charlie stole money from the law firm, and Sharon Napier, who tried to blackmailed Charlie for the love affair between Libby and him, shot by Kinsey Millhone in the end.
6. Sharon Napier, female, a clerk at Laurence law firm, whose mother had an affair with Laurence, murdered by Charlie Scorsoni.
7. Lyle Abernathy, male, Libby's ex-boyfriend. After Libby's death, Lyle took care of Libby's parents, Raymond and Grace Glass.
8. Charlotte Mercer, female, one of Laurence's fk partners.
9. Lieutenant Dolan, male, a police officer that recommended Kinsey to Nikki to investigate the whole case. Becuase he didn't get enough evidence to prove that Nikki killed Libby too.
Answers to the questions at the end of Sue Grafton's detective novel 'A is for Alibi', by the chapter:
(1) 1. Nikki Fife was the ex-wife of Laurence Fife, a lawyer murdered eight years ago. She was in her late thirties at the beginning of this story.
2. (a) Libby Glass' death.
(b) Lieutenant Dolan wanted Kinsey to investigate who murdered Libby Glass, the accountant of Laurence's law firm.
(2) 1. Over eight years after Laurence was murdered.
2. It means that many people hated Laurence.
(3) 1. Maybe that would be the very same person to break into the house and put poison in Laurence's medicine.
2. No, I don't think Laurence didn't care about Gwen's affair. He then had an affair with Nikki to get even with her. No one would hate anything if he or she does not love it or its opposite first.
(4) Maybe Gwen suspected Charlotte might murder Laurence and she wanted Charlotte to know it was Nikki who would like to investigate the case again.
(5) Grace would not like to hurt her husband's feelings. She knew that he must be very sad to hear his lovely daughter's name.
(6) When Lyle told Kinsey that Libby broke up with him because she fell in love with an ATTORNEY FROM SANTA TERESA and Lyle didn't know his name, Kinsey thought it was definitely LAURENCE. It is a pity that Kinsey didn't go further for the real answer.
(7) 1. Maybe the receptionist was cold and indifferent to Kinsey's questions. She was a bit impolite to a visitor.
2. The police might find out Kinsey's phone number and take her as one of the suspect that killed Sharon.
(8) 1. (a) Greg thought that his father, Laurence, was a wonderful father.
(b) Laurence never talked Greg about anything. They seldom interacted with each other.
2. No, Daine thought that it was she that caused her father's death because she forgot to call Bruno, their dog, back, watching against the bad guy who broke in their house and changed the medicine.
(9) Sharon might blackmailed Nikki that she knew Nikki killed Libby Glass for having an affair with Laurence. That's an enough reason for Nikki to murder Sharon.
(10) Kinsey didn't believe this letter had been written by Laurence. Because Laurence never knew that Libby's real name was Elizabeth.
(11) 1. Colin was too young then to recognize Gwen.
2. (a) Kinsey remembered Charlotte once told her Laurence might have an affair with the same person twice, which was very secret and exciting to Laurence.
(b) Colin didn't want to talk about it for it didn't feel good to witness his own father flirting with a woman that was not his mother. This reaction helped Kinsey to confirm her guessing.
(12) 1. The police found a key of Libby's apartment in Laurence office. The murderer apparently wanted to make believe that Laurence killed Libby. And it's impossible for Lyle to put the key there.
2. Kinsey wanted to keep calm and cool, trying not to get her personal emotions involved.
(13) 1. Kinsey knew for sure that Lyle told the truth. And if Lyle told the truth, then one of the possible murderers must be taken off. By the way, how could Lyle be with Libby's parent for so long if Lyle had kill Libby?
2. (a) + (b) Kinsey knew from Ruth that Sharon did call Charlie to blackmail him that she had known Charlie, not Laurence, had had an affair with Libby.
(14) Charlie drove John Power's black Lincoln and hit Gwen.
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