2013 Season Schedule (since 2013-09-13)
2013 (3-1-0)
Oct. 16: Bali GCC (+14,+40,+40) = k3c1j0
Nov. 13: Bao-shan GCC (BS) (+22,+50,+50) = j3k1c0
Dec 25: BS (k+26,c+55,j+40) = c3j1k0 (k=wd)
total: k4, c4, j4 = draw...
1. Total grand prize NTD3000 would be the best player that performs the best and the most consistant along the season, in which the points of each game will be calculated and accumulated to decide the most points gained (for non-playoffs 3 points for the winner, 1 runner-up, and 0 the last; 7, 3, and 1 in playoffs respectively). As in a case of tied position, T1 who has less 18th hole strokes gets 3 points, the other gets 1, and the 3rd 0, vise versa in a T2 case. If both or all players have the same strokes on the 18th hole, the privious one should call and so on. When all players perform the same and get tied within all holes, each gets 3 points. The playoffs folllow the same rule. However, there would be no point gained in case of WD.
2. The handicap of each player will be modified after each game when the abstraction of the recent two net strokeplay results by the same player is not equal to zero.