imagination (adapted)
by george santayana (1863~1952)
men are ruled by imgination: imagination makes them in men, capable of madness and of immese labours. we work dreaming. consider what dreams must have dominated the builders of the pyramids, dreams geometrical, dreams funereal, dreams of resurrction, dreams of outdoing the pyramid of some other pharoah! what dreams occupy that fat man in the street, toddling by under his shabby hat and bedraggled rain-coat? perhaps he is in love; perhaps he is a catholic, and imagines that early this moring he has partaken of the body and blood of Christ; perhaps he is a revolutionist, with the millennium in his heart and a bomb in his pocket. the spirit blows where it pleases. nothing could be madder, more irresponsible, more dangerous than this guidance of men by dreams.
about the author: 喬治·桑塔亞那(George Santayana,1863年12月16日-1952年9月26日)。著名西班牙裔美國哲學家、散文家、詩人、小說家。桑塔亞那他出身西班牙,後移居美國,就讀哈佛大學,並取得學士學位。之後回到歐洲居住。在這期間,桑塔亞那從未放棄西班牙國籍。主要哲學著作包括與他人合著的《批判實在論論文集》(1920),還有《懷疑主義和動物信仰》(1923)、《存在的領域》(1927~1940)等。