Vocabulary that 若吟 might not know:

1. a switchman: a person who operates the railroad switches to administrate and monitor the flow of trains; 鐵路管理員
2. to sort: to separate from others; 分類
3. a bundle: a group of objects that are held together; 綑
4. to dispatch: to relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business; 分派
5. being bright: shining, emitting or reflecting light in large amounts; 閃亮的
6. to be lit: to be set on fire, to be kindled; 被點亮
7. an express: a rapid and efficient system for the delivery of goods and passengers; 特快車
8. to roar: to utter a loud, deep, and prolonged sound, especially in distress, rage, or excitement; 怒吼
9. thunder: a crashing sound by expanding air along the path of electrical discharge of lighting; 雷
10. to shake: to cause to move to and fro with jerky movements; 搖動
11. a cabin: a cottage; a small, roughly built house; 小屋
12. to be in a hurry: willingly, hasting; 匆忙地
13. a locomotive: a self-propelled vehicle, usually electric or diesel-powered, for pulling freight and passenger cars on railroad tracks; 火車頭
14. to thunder: to make a sound like thunder; 發出隆隆聲
15. to chase: to follow rapidly in order to catch or ovetake; 追
16. to yawn: to open the mouth wide in deep inhalation, usually involuntarily from drowsiness, fatigue, or boredom; 打哈欠
17. to press: to bear down on, to exert weight against; 壓
18. a windowpane: a piece of glass filling a window section; 窗玻璃
19. a rag: a scrat of cloth, a piece of cloth used for cleaning or washing; 破布;抹布
20. being lucky: having the chance happening good fortune or prosperity; 好運的

Main Idea of this chapter:
Trains are referred to a large amount of people. People often make moves in groups. Most people are too coward to be decisive and take all the responsibilities alone. They simply choose the road mostly taken. The destinations of the trains are the directions of lives. Being hurrying means most people make hasty decisions, not even knowing where to go and what to do. People seldom stop and take a rest to see what surround them or think why they are here. As a result, people rarely feel satisfied with their living, their companies, even themselves. Only children know what they do need and want, and they want it desperately, with passion and fun. Children are candid and honest to themselves, so their lives are simple and real.

『耶穌說:讓小孩子到我這裡來,不要禁止他們;因為在天國的,正是這樣的人。 』馬太福音 19:14

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