BREAKING NEWS: With a shameful 25-11 vote, CA Senators just attacked counselors, pastors, and people of faith as frauds
California Senators Approved AB 2943 Thursday morning August 16th after a robust debate
The bill now heads to the Assembly floor for a vote as soon as Monday, August 20, 2018

AB 2943 is the radical bill from Assemblymember Evan Low and the LGBT [編按:LGBTQIA?] Legislative Caucus. With Thursday's vote, elected leaders told churches and those with biblical beliefs about gender and sexual orientation that advocating for their views could get them sued.

This bill attacks the freedom of Christians, like those pictured above, to find the services and resources from counselors, schools, and faith-based organizations that help them live out their biblical convictions regarding sexual behavior and gender identity. Shouldn't these people have the freedom to find true joy by embracing and living out their faith without government persecution? Read their testimonies of joy and change at

The implications of AB 2943 are staggering. Legal experts confirm that by targeting financial transactions, AB 2943 threatens religious non-profits, churches, and pastors who provide paid resources to help people practice their faith.

AB 2943 was changed slightly in the Senate, so the full Assembly must approve those amendments:
Next Voting Opportunity:  Monday, August 20th
The bill must be approve by the Assembly by August 31, 2018, or it is dead. We have identified 13 Assembly members who are most likely to listen to our appeal; their office numbers are below, along with the number to Governor Jerry Brown's office. Let's flood the offices of the Governor and these Assembly members so they know how much we value our freedom to follow our faith.

More Resources
Below you will find reference materials that will help your opposition efforts against two bills supported or introduced in 2018 by the California LGBT Caucus: AB 2943 and AB 2119.

AB 2943: Bill that Outlaws Helping Anyone with Unwanted Same-Sex Desires or Gender Confusion
AB 2943 (bill text) declares “advertising, offering to engage in, or engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with an individual” as illegal under state's consumer fraud law. Sexual orientation change efforts is defined as “any practices that seek to change an individual's sexual orientation. This includes efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex.”

Alliance Defending Freedom Attorney Matt Sharp explain the implications: “California AB 2943 makes it unlawful for any person to sell books, counseling services, or anything else that helps someone overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion. As a result, it could be a violation if a pastor encourages a congregant to visit the church book store to purchase books that help people address sexual issues, perhaps including the Bible itself, which teaches about the importance of sexual purity within the confines of marriage between a man and woman.”

~ adaptd from california family council 







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