105 A

nascent, seminal/ semen/ sperm, marginalia/ footnote, apease, petrol/ patrol/ patron/ parole/ parade/ probation/ impunity, twit/ tweet/ coo/ chirp/ hoot/ moo, banish/ outcast/ exile/ evict, alkane/ methane/ ethane/ propane/ butane/ pentane, repose/ oppose/ dispose, inquiry/ query/ interrogation, tuition waiver, aegis, coercion, do (the) trick, fitful, eerie, gird, curb/ hamper/  obstruct/ hinder/ inhibit/ balk/ thwart/ impede/ foil, rift, mound, knob, prowl, thicket, pledge/ renege

105 B

notion/ ration/ rationale/ reason/ sensibility, congrous/ contiguous/ conspicuous, eradicate, pertinent/ persistent/ consistant/ preeminent/ eminent/ imminent, grapple with, run counter to, discrepancy, helminth, confound, assimilate, conformity/ complaisance/ complacency, efficacy/ efficacious, ephemeral, expedient, phile/ philia/ phobe/ phobia/ pedophilia/ bibliophile/ Anglophile/ acrophobia/ claustrophobia/ xenophobe/ hydrophilic/ hydrophobic, be composed of/ consist of/ comprise/ constitute, antecedent/ predecessor/ precedence, provisional/ tentative, pedestal, the likes of, a select few, sage, cuneiform/ orcle/ glyph/ hieroglyph/ pictogram/ emoji /smiley, fluke, serotonin, santoor/ sarod/ raga, chakra, endorphine

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