106 A

nutcase/ nutmeg, garner, hazy/ vague/ vogue/ blurred/ foggy, abominable/ obnoxious/ loathsome/ odious/ despicable/ repulsive/ repugnant/ abhorrent/ reprehensible/ atrocious/ execrable/ foul/ vile/ appalling/ abysmal/ nauseating/ horrid, sanguine, scathe, arduous, astute, ordeal/ toil/ fag/ moil/ bulllock/ drudge(ry)/ travail, cordial/ genial/ affable/ facetious/ jocose/ jocund/ loony/ bantering/ blithe/ chaffing/ convivial/ buoyant/ jovial/ bluff/ morose, fringe benefit, counteract, cognizant, ensemble/ assemble/ resemble, precipitation/ sediment/ residue/ condensation, inflict, postulate, advent, zany, ensue, perpendicular/ orthogonnal/ diagonal/ intersectional/ parallel/ skew/ askew/ slanting/ oblique/ devious, antithesis/ antithetical, surveillance, spectatorship, labyrinth, finch/ flinch/ wince/ grimace/ blench/ recoil/ cringe/ squirm

106 B

abridge/ curtail/ truncate/ prune/ pare down, epitomize, censure/ censor, praise/ appraise, quaint/ acquaint, husk/ hull/ chaff/ rind/ bran/ shuck/ legume/ pod, binary/ unilateral/ bilateral/ colateral, preepmt/ forestall, Knickerbocker, devolve, inkblot test/ inkling, injunction/ fiat/ enjoinment/ exhortation/ mandate/ mandatory/ ordinance, inundate/ outdate/ predate, keystone/ cornerstone/ milestone, schematic/ schematics, distress/ stress, droid, interrogate/ persecute/ prosecute/ catechize/ inquire/ query, ricochet/ reverberate/ recoil/ bounce, parapet, pall/ poll/ pole/ pore/ bore/ appal, thatch, mingle/ mangle/ tangle/ rummage, rumble/ tumble/ stumble on, susceptible, scullery, concentric/ eccentric, innards/ viscera, torpid/ lackadaisical/ languid/ languish/ indolent/  dopey/ comatose, out of the blue, condole/ console/ commiserate







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