107 A

alleviate, consecrate/ confiscate, gutter, vivisection, plight/ covenant/ testatment/ oath/ vow/ swear, appropriate/ approbate/ apprehend/ comprehend, rhapsodize/ proliferate, in/ numerate, taskforce, tarnich/ tabloid/ kiosk/ bistro/ boothe, belligerent/ dissident/ dissent/ activist/ foundamentalist/ outcast/ guerrilla/ gorilla, hopscotch, wretch, tramp/ trek, splash/ sputter/ split/ spray/ spit, gyrate/ rotate/ supinate/ pronate/ spin/ orbit/ circle, skip/ skim/ scan/ browse/ graze, stratum/ layer/ coating, anthorpocene, reign/ realm, nicety, terrestrial, riverine, tectonic, buzzword, disseminate, diminish/ abate, crumble, transfix, overlay, augment, cybernetic, flick/ tap/ lash/ slash, immerse/ emmerge, mitigate, ubiquitous/ universal, crypt, anamoly/ anamolous/ abnormal, polyp, symbiosis, netizen/ hater, consortium, benchmark, warfare/ welfare/ wholesome

107 B

implosion, illusion/ delusion/ vision/ imagination/ vagary/ allusion, lapse, languor, larceny, resuscitation/ resurrection, flog, apparel/ apparatus, theism/ atheism/ pantheism/ monotheism/ polytheism/ deism/ agnosticism/ skepticism, relapse, lampoon/ satire, litigant, concave/ convex, kemp/ kempt, burly, allergen, dissipate, bigotry, micrograph, oncogene/ pathogen, comprise, extricate, conceptualization, to the benefit of/ for the benefit of, coroner/ autopsy, entomology, informer/ informitive/ informed, intact/ delible, precocious, tenacious, viable, nonchalant, minute (會議記錄;細微的)/ tenuous/ trivial/ wee/ tendinous, to foil one's attempt, beget, shoehorn, tabernacle, antipode, jiggle/ jingle/ giggle/ jangle, gay abandon, prime time, crib/ cradle/ rocking chair/ hammock/ bunk bed/ cot/ murphy bed/ futon, double nickel, ravel, clomp, flabby/ floppy/ sloppy, dement/ demented/ dementia, wishful thinking, voluptuous, good humored/ just humour me, palazzi, spire/ dom, magniloquent, mottle, mojitos, en plein-air, men of affairs, expatriate, to one's credit




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