ASUS takes its name from Pegasus, the winged horse in Greek mythology that symbolises wisdom and knowledge. ASUS embodies the strength, purity, and adventurous spirit of this fantastic creature, and soars to new heights with each new product it creates.
若是這樣,那這個字唸成 [ˈpɛgəsəs],於是 ASUS 就唸成 [əˈsəs] 或 [ˈesəs]。所以從原文推,仍不能僅得一解。所幸有記者 (news18.com) 問過該公司,此字既為新造,自當以創造者之意定為準:
The Taiwanese company known for making some amazing personal tech devices is often mispronounced in India as well. Everyone you talk to pronounces Asus differently. The company claims the correct way to say its name is "AY-soos". They even made a music video about it to make you remember how it's pronounced.
唸成 ㄟㄙㄨˇㄙˇ 重音在前;但這說法跟官方廣告不合喔:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq9B3evfu8s,廣告唸成 '噁訴死',重音在後。所以到底要他X怎麼唸啊?