The Argument from Design
The next step in the process brings us to the argument from design. You all know the argument from design: everything in the world is made just so that we can manage to live in the world, and if the world was ever so little different, we could not manage to live in it. That is the argument from design. It sometimes takes a rather curious form; for instance, it is argued that rabbits have white tails in order to be easy to shoot. I do not know how rabbits would view that application. It is an easy argument to parody. You all know Voltaire's remark, that obviously the nose was designed to be such as to fit spectacles. That sort of parody has turned out to be not nearly so wide of the mark as it might have seemed in the eighteenth century, because since the time of Darwin we understand much better why living creatures are adapted to their environment. It is not that their environment was made to be suitable to them but that they grew to be suitable to it, and that is the basis of adaptation. There is no evidence of design about it. 

When you come to look into this argument from design, it is a most astonishing thing that people can believe that this world, with all the things that are in it, with all its defects, should be the best that omnipotence and omniscience have been able to produce in millions of years. I really cannot believe it. Do you think that, if you were granted omnipotence and omniscience and millions of years in which to perfect your world, you could produce nothing better than the Ku Klux Klan or the Fascists? Moreover, if you accept the ordinary laws of science, you have to suppose that human life and life in general on this planet will die out in due course: it is a stage in the decay of the solar system; at a certain stage of decay you get the sort of conditions of temperature and so forth which are suitable to protoplasm, and there is life for a short time in the life of the whole solar system. You see in the moon the sort of thing to which the earth is tending -- something dead, cold, and lifeless. 

I am told that that sort of view is depressing, and people will sometimes tell you that if they believed that, they would not be able to go on living. Do not believe it; it is all nonsense. Nobody really worries about much about what is going to happen millions of years hence. Even if they think they are worrying much about that, they are really deceiving themselves. They are worried about something much more mundane, or it may merely be a bad digestion; but nobody is really seriously rendered unhappy by the thought of something that is going to happen to this world millions and millions of years hence. Therefore, although it is of course a gloomy view to suppose that life will die out -- at least I suppose we may say so, although sometimes when I contemplate the things that people do with their lives I think it is almost a consolation -- it is not such as to render life miserable. It merely makes you turn your attention to other things. 





主張「上帝讓兔子長白尾巴,是要使人容易瞄準射擊。」一百多年前,我相信這句話不是在開玩笑。但在一百多年後的今天,這可以是一種幽默。不論如何,不管是或不是,這似乎不能用來否認  上帝的存在,只能用來衡量說這句話的人的格局。不過,會引用這句話來駁斥  上帝的人,其格局倒是顯然可知的。




主張「太陽系在衰亡的某一階段中產生了適宜原生質生存的諸如溫度之類的條件,於是在整個太陽系存在的過程中,生命可以存在一個短暫的時期。」「一只普通的手錶,平均約有 500 到 1000 個零組件,把它們拆散後全部放進一個小盒子裡,裡面有適宜的溫度和潤滑,保證每一零件皆在 100 年內不會生鏽變形;現在,關上盒子,用任何非念力及意志力或組織力形成的方法,比如搖一搖、上下拋、靜置不動等,一定時間之後,終將使這些零件重組成原來的手表。」以上兩主張,你只要能相信其中一個,應該就有辦法相信另一個。




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