Defects in Christ's Teaching
Having granted the excellence of these maxims, I come to certain points in which I do not believe that one can grant either the superlative wisdom or the superlative goodness of Christ as depicted in the Gospels; and here I may say that one is not concerned with the historical question. Historically it is quite doubtful whether Christ ever existed at all, and if He did we do not know anything about him, so that I am not concerned with the historical question, which is a very difficult one. I am concerned with Christ as He appears in the Gospels, taking the Gospel narrative as it stands, and there one does find some things that do not seem to be very wise. For one thing, he certainly thought that His second coming would occur in clouds of glory before the death of all the people who were living at that time. There are a great many texts that prove that. He says, for instance, "Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of Man be come." Then he says, "There are some standing here which shall not taste death till the Son of Man comes into His kingdom"; and there are a lot of places where it is quite clear that He believed that His second coming would happen during the lifetime of many then living. That was the belief of His earlier followers, and it was the basis of a good deal of His moral teaching. When He said, "Take no thought for the morrow," and things of that sort, it was very largely because He thought that the second coming was going to be very soon, and that all ordinary mundane affairs did not count. I have, as a matter of fact, known some Christians who did believe that the second coming was imminent. I knew a parson who frightened his congregation terribly by telling them that the second coming was very imminent indeed, but they were much consoled when they found that he was planting trees in his garden. The early Christians did really believe it, and they did abstain from such things as planting trees in their gardens, because they did accept from Christ the belief that the second coming was imminent. In that respect, clearly He was not so wise as some other people have been, and He was certainly not superlatively wise. 



【主張】「《聖經》中有許多章節都證明這一點」這裡羅氏引用二段經文,分別出自【馬太福音】10:23 及 16:28。第一段經文,若照字面讀來,確實難解。因為當門徒回來述職時,  耶穌仍在人世,  祂的再度降臨和國度重建仍未實現。(【馬可福音 6:30】) 不過,如果硬要從字面解釋,似乎仍有以下考量:1. 耶穌生平多用譬喻交相出現於論述之中,若一味強解,恐有失偏頗;如:「若 是 你 的 右 眼 叫 你 跌 倒, 就 剜 出 來 丟 掉, 寧 可 失 去 百 體 中 的 一 體, 不 叫 全 身 丟 在 地 獄 裡 。 若 是 右 手 叫 你 跌 倒, 就 砍 下 來 丟 掉, 寧 可 失 去 百 體 中 的 一 體 ,不 叫 全 身 下 入 地 獄。【馬太福音5:29 ~ 30】」平心而論,  主耶穌真要我們自殘嗎?祂若完全不認同肢體康健的重要,為何此生醫治病人無數?演戲?鄉愿?博取虛名以留青史?接下來在【馬太福音 26:51】所發生的事件只是作戲罷了?最後釘死在十字架上,是因為自虐的狂喜,笑看被愚弄的世人?2. 若人說基督徒喜歡找理由解釋求全,以掩蓋聖經的「謬誤」,那麼成書歷時近千餘年,假手逾四十位作者,文獻史料遍佈整個小亞細亞,上至君王,下至走卒,為文卻脈絡相成、中心思維一以貫之之默契是為騙局或巧合,是否更是強辯?因語言應用區域太廣、年代過長、修辭應用不盡相同,從多方面去解釋揣測,這是自然的事,應從中心思想著手,只要脈絡連貫明確,實不可過分拘泥於翻譯句讀,然後斷章取義;換個角度想好了,馬太若真有心要傳教,並且以自己的意思撰寫聖經,他會蠢到把前後如此明顯矛盾的事件 (若照字面解釋的話),先後寫出,然後等大家來吐槽他?羅氏當真把馬太看小了啊。

看完羅氏「解釋」第二段經文後,我憤怒了。明明清清楚楚地寫道「comes into His kingdom」,這裡的「His kingdom」指的是甚麼?這裡嗎?聽聽  主耶穌的禱告:「... 願 祢 的 國 降 臨 。【馬太福音 6:10】」如果這是  祂的國,何必復願其降臨?【約翰福音 18:36】中寫得清清楚楚:「耶穌回答說:我的國不屬這世界;我的國若屬這世界,我的臣僕必要爭戰,使我不至於被交給猶太人。只是我的國不屬這世界。」 此處明明指的是不久後  耶穌復活昇天的事,眾門徒將目睹  耶穌「進入」「光采奪目的雲霞中」【馬太福音 28:6】、【路加福音 24:46 ~ 51】,而不是「他的第二次降臨就會在光采奪目的雲霞中出現。」拜託,看清楚再發言也不遲啊!相信羅氏明知以自己的身分地位,能造成不小的號召力與認同,殊不知此言論事關人一生之信仰與靈命之歸趨,怎可草率若是?

那麼,聖經中可有提到 「這裡」,也就是這世界,到底是誰的國?嗯,我不太想提這個名字,自己看看吧:【以弗所書 6:12】、【彼得前書 5:8】。


【問題與意見】第二段經文中之「comes into His kingdom」,若譯為「goes into His kingdom」,可能誤會較少。從語言學的角度來看,這是說話者對動作主詞主觀位置的視角問題;例如,在電話中,若你說:「你甚麼時候『來』我家?」代表你現在正在家中;若你說:「你甚麼時候『去』我家?」代表你現在不在家中,而對方去你家與你現在是否回家,並無直接相關;此時,若你說:「他甚麼時候『來』我家?」表示雖然你現在不在家,但言下之意你不久亦將到家。不論如何,倒不如【Message】版本的譯文:「..., see the Son of Man in kingdom glory.」為佳,以狀態表示行為,既不失信、又兼達雅,應較無爭議。


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