The Emotional Factor
As I said before, I do not think that the real reason why people accept religion has anything to do with argumentation. They accept religion on emotional grounds. One is often told that it is a very wrong thing to attack religion, because religion makes men virtuous. So I am told; I have not noticed it. You know, of course, the parody of that argument in Samuel Butler's book, Erewhon Revisited. You will remember that in Erewhon there is a certain Higgs who arrives in a remote country, and after spending some time there he escapes from that country in a balloon. Twenty years later he comes back to that country and finds a new religion in which he is worshiped under the name of the Sun Child, and it is said that he ascended into heaven. He finds that the Feast of the Ascension is about to be celebrated, and he hears Professors Hanky and Panky say to each other that they never set eyes on the man Higgs, and they hope they never will; but they are the high priests of the religion of the Sun Child. He is very indignant, and he comes up to them, and he says, "I am going to expose all this humbug and tell the people of Erewhon that it was only I, the man Higgs, and I went up in a balloon." He was told, "You must not do that, because all the morals of this country are bound round this myth, and if they once know that you did not ascend into Heaven they will all become wicked"; and so he is persuaded of that and he goes quietly away.
That is the idea -- that we should all be wicked if we did not hold to the Christian religion. It seems to me that the people who have held to it have been for the most part extremely wicked. You find this curious fact, that the more intense has been the religion of any period and the more profound has been the dogmatic belief, the greater has been the cruelty and the worse has been the state of affairs. In the so-called ages of faith, when men really did believe the Christian religion in all its completeness, there was the Inquisition, with all its tortures; there were millions of unfortunate women burned as witches; and there was every kind of cruelty practiced upon all sorts of people in the name of religion.
You find as you look around the world that every single bit of progress in humane feeling, every improvement in the criminal law, every step toward the diminution of war, every step toward better treatment of the colored races, or every mitigation of slavery, every moral progress that there has been in the world, has been consistently opposed by the organized churches of the world. I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.
【論證】「這意思就是說 (R),如果不堅信基督教 (C),我們都會變邪惡了 (W)。」If R is true, then if ~C, then W. What is R? R is a piece of literary works. R maybe false, so ~C then W maybe false. 羅氏否認以自欺欺人的態度來面對宗教。我深表認同。不過,前面數段,以他所寫的主張與論證看來,似乎並非如此。
【問題與意見】這一段是我一路讀來感觸最深、也是最為同情羅氏的地方了。世上有許多宗教的存續,不都是國家以「保護古文明思想傳統及習俗」為由,而延續至今?如非洲、紐澳、大洋洲等地部落及少數民族的文化保護計畫皆屬之。身為白人強權的羅氏,自難免有優越心理,在歸納眾多民間信仰後,欲以一超脫跳躍的框架來概念化這普世人類存在之信仰本能,這是可以理解的。然將基督及聖經思想體系與之一概而論,則其疏漏也明;因為光從聖經的成書與 耶穌受難的歷史真確性而言,基督思想就不應被歸為「宗教」,而極有可能是道德倫理的規範公設。我為何不直說基督教呢?因為我也不想和羅氏文中所謂之 「基督教徒」 混為一談;我也唾棄上述行為,但我也不是甚麼好人;我只知道:我是個罪人,我信仰 上帝、 耶穌基督的救贖、與聖靈及聖經的教誨,我願意奉獻一生,為主而活,如此而已。套用一句 George Clooney 在 From Dusk Till Dawn 裡的一句台詞:「 Maybe I'm a bastard, but I'm not a fking bastard. 」 語雖粗鄙,但頗有一針見血之莞爾,我心戚戚啊。