If there should be a person I admire most, it must be a "he" with many talents. First, why must it be a "he"? In a ralatively conservative society like ours in Taiwan, girls have too many no-gos and even taboos for them to justify themselves to be as agile as boys. When they do, they would be considered to upstage the boys, which is usually not accepted open-mindedly in our coulture.

Besides, he is gentle and courteous, not like those chaps who know nothing but holding a 24-hour sit-in for some ridiculous political reasons, blockading the whole main traffic artery all the time. He must be a person of erudition, which refers to be adept at multiple catagories to present a wholesome and profound aspect of life. (After all, I am an enthusiast of humanism.) Language, arts (especially instrumental playing, such as piano), sports (especially golf and martial arts), logical deductive thinking, and skills of negotiation are the prime "five elements" for me to be a qualified - qulified for being worthwhile taking a trip around the journey in this life - humble human being, who dares tell others how wonderful and elaborted our cosmics might be. Last but not least, he also has an open heart; a tender mind eager to reach for his true love in his life, and he never compromises on it! How valiant a man to pursue for his true love! Only when people are surrounded by love could people understand to love. And only love is the very incentive for humans to exist in the world from generations to generations.

Fortunately, I know such a person who meets all the requirements mentioned above. He is my English teacher in my junior high. I liked to go to his class very much, where he was humorous and communicative, making all the grammatic problems seem simple and clear. Most importantly, he makes English so interesting. He makes a bored and impassive student like me vigorous and lively again. 
I think that's also my personal goal in my life, I would like to be as my English teacher some day. Thus I will be proud to claim exactly as what General McArthur once did and thus open my arms to embrace this wonderful world.

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