1. Have you ever been punished by your parents or teachers for doing something wrong? How? How did you feel about it?
A: Of course yes, and quite often was I punished by them, almost alternatively. Once I didn't put away with my desk after doing homework at my study. I just left it as a mess and went out to play video games with my brother. 
As Dad came back, he came to our study first to see if we have done our assignments well. To his disappointment, he saw nothing but two empty chairs and a desk hit by a huge meteorite just before. I was badly flustered by this, afraid that I might get severe punishement. However, Dad said nothing. He smiled at me and told me it's hard to me to jot down so many key points at class and do so much homework after school. He said all could be understandable. 
Thinking of what Daddy had said, I weeped alone in bed with my brother's snore. I felt so guilty and so sorry for my dad's kind forgiveness. Did my father punish me or not? Well, that is a question. Just as golf playing, for a perfect swing, all you need is perfect joint stacking, rather than a lumbar or thoracic disks slipping. So for perfect education, all you need is inspiration, not abomination aroused by your inefficient punishment.

2. Do you believe punishment can be curable or educational? Why or why not?
A: As the Bible said, 'Forgive your neighbors seven times times seventy.' If you are not a master or a mentor of those who made you gruntled, just forgive them, for no matter what they did or what they treated you. Because they didn't kow what they're doing. But if you are a master or a mentor of your children or students, just make them alert, of what they had done or will do in a relatively not a wise way in your opinion. Because it is what you ought to do and you owe your kids and students a proper discipline. To me, to make people know what they should behave, is love, while conduct this without love will be regarded as punishment in the eye of the people you 'punished'.

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