As usual, the following is what I take as some of the most important basic vocabulary to master English. Help yourself and enjoy the Chop Suey meal!

a draper, to espouse, civility, urbanity, suavity, decorous, comity, amenity, arboretum, cumbersome, ungainly, lubberly, voluminous, goodly, prodigious, stupendous, ponderous, to flinge, eerie, ghastly, deplorable, outrageous, vile, preposterous, exorbitant, to rustle up, forage, to scrounge, fodder, regular script, blemish, mar, to intent on, intently, tantalum, channeling, cardinal number, privy, arthropod, palaeontology, trilobite, diorama, tertiary education, Palaeozoic, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Mesozoic, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Cenozoic, Tertiary, Quaternary, kinesics, to collude, to connive, to machinate, troposphere, tropopause, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, exosphere, to administer to, to bestead, paregoric, diarrhoea, duplicity, dupery, chicane, cozenage, concomitant, celebrant, to warp, grimace, wry, to squirm, to writhe, to flinch, to cringe, to twitch, convolute, falsify, chambray, creosote, analgesic, antipyretic, ibuprofen, frankincense, geodesy, condottiere, mercenary, pachyderm, pallid, wan, sallow, ashen, to gird up one’s lions, to grovel, to adumbrate, to rive, to rupture, to rapture, to dedaub, to denigrate, to disparage, to gainsay, apothecary, to catalyze, drab, to skitter, to scamper, to scurry, to scuttle, to scoot, recusant, heterodox, heretical, cloistral, conventual, monastic, didactic, laconic, terse, curt, vitriol, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, blistering, caustic, acerbic, intransigent, inexorable, adamantine, sandalwood, belvedere, inopportune, unduly, futile, cetacean, crustacean, snout, grampus, diplopod, echinoderm, coelenterate, eponym, bowdlerism, betterment, citronella, cinematograph, comportment, to comport, toiletry, felicitous, admirably, opt out, opt-in email, spam, astute, unsolicited, to canvass, to aerate, to beseech, to implore, to supplicate, to importune, deviation, discrepancy, incongruity, detrimental, pernicious, to demote, a quack, a segment of pomelo, to detoxify, tonic,a statesman, a farce, Taiwanese Compatriot Travel Document, apoplexy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lard, monosodium glutamate, soggy, pot sticker, pressure cooker, gamy, to singe, blister pack, winter gourd, loofah, bean noodles, enema, chafer, carrot and stick strategy, groupie, flash mob, snob, filial piety, preoccupation, grouchy, to mope about, to sulk, a hotshot, henpecked, a puck, a minx, an imp, a gremlin, a pixie, to troll, a knave, a hooligan, a hoodlum, a cur, a cad, a blackguard, a rapscallion, déjà vu, a nouveau riche, a boot licker, an urchin, a glib talker, rubric, social misfit, an eye pouch, wonder woman, to cut the ribbon, a bazaar, a rialto, dumping, a toastmaster, karma, a sciolist, scilicet, scion, sciomancy, loan shark, jadeite, emerald, sapphire, aquamarine, foundation, blush (cosmetics), skim milk, to purge, to depurate, toner, exfoliate, exfoliant, defoliate, esthetician, to perm, a love seat, a bunk bed, a pillowcase, to play up, play down, inside dope, close-up, pile-up, to extradite, showdown, mass wedding, a coroner, premarital sex, deindustrialization, to confiscate, a hotbed, to loot, political asylum, an incinerator, an extinct book, to embargo, fraternal twins, hideout, a mannequin, even-shifting, photogenic, conspicuous consumption, to enshrine, to hoard, inter nos, inter alia, a ring, a ring binder, a broken line, a caret, a room teacher, dissertation, pharmacology, horticulture, material, to audit, to listen in, summa cum laude, equivalency, alma mater, out-patient, in-patient, Medicaid card, intensive-care ward/unit, ward heeler, stave off, to spurn, to parry, obstetrics, gynecology, ophthalmology, labor pain, prenatal influence, orthopedics, fetus, miscarriage, morning sickness, contraceptive, mumps, hard hearing, sty, conjunctivitis, trachoma, keratitis, myopia, presbyopia, hyperopia, hyperemia, congestion, astigmatism, cataract, glaucoma, Lasik, strabismus, squint-eyed, askance, pupil, cornea, 'Use peripherals!', melanin, dropsy, corn, boil, hives, eczema, herpes, chicken pox, fatty tumor, callus, scabby, scabies, renal calculus, gallstone, prostate, cystitis, estrogen, testosterone, testis, ovum, zygote, ovary, uterus, umbilical cord, oviduct, tubal ligation, vasectomy, menopause, leucorrhea, leukemia, discharge, venereal disease, syphilis, gonorrhea, prick and dull pain, endocrine, hypothyroidism, atrophy, sympathetic nerve, breakdown, concussion, schizophrenia, amnesia, anemia, insomnia, melancholia, paranoia, lethargy, sour stomach, gastritis, gastric perforation, enteritis, gastroenteritis, appendicitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, piles, hemorrhoid, hemorrhage, mole, rickets, rheumatism, arthritis, hemophilia, hack, to cleave, to mutilate, to lacerate, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, armpit odor, myocardial infarction, impaction, arteriosclerosis, stretcher, hearse, rabies, congenital, endemic, appendectomy, sex conversion, transvestite, general anesthetic, anesthetist, hot compression, sedative, saline, gentian violet tincture, iodine tincture, cotton swab, Q-tip, a sadist, a masochist, autism, spur, to hypnotize, hefty, amnion, amniotic fluid, glucose, steroid, sexual drive, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, cobalt 60, sulfuric acid, mucus, Viazome, time keeper, skip rope, torch relay, to forfeit, to mark (basketball), on your marks, advance guard, dribble charging, dummy play, to smash, a smash hit, to put a shot, 'hop, step and jump', pole vault jump, hurdle race, tug of war, relay race, obstacle race, bathing cap, side stroke, dog paddle, flippers, a buoy, suntan lotion, skin diving, knee protectors, a horizontal bar, alei, lotus, water lily, lotus root, chrysanthemum, daisy, duckweed, magnolia, poinsettia, azalea, mimosa, reed, banyan, a coyote, a mink, a kid, spawn, mullet roes, a mantis, a cicada, a pupa, larva, an accordion, a baton, a baritone, a mezzo soprano, to crack, mutual noninterference, a fruitless approach, to commit harakiri, to cook accounts, 'a guest upstages a host', double-cross, take someone’s measurement, to level with, to have no control over one’s vital functions, seniority, to lift the ban, to assume/shirk responsibility, slack water, to go the whole hog, hog-wild, to give a lift to the heart, to cry uncle, to give a hand-on blow, with the momentum of an avalanche, to turn the side, 'Tom, Dick or Harry!', to talk shop, be in dire straits, to have a sense of propriety, be in sync, fortitude, ulterior, expedient dishonesty, to vitalize, perfunctory, to temporize

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