The whole flab seems to be possessed by some senior wonk, and he's ejaculated all his venereal elixir to redeem his chiseled figure from the hopefully-finite anglo azure labyrinth, not many, some 400 of it:

abase, abettor, abjure, renounce, ablution, absolve, abstinence, accure, acetic, acme, acrid, adage, addle, adipose, affinity, agape, aggrandize, agnostic, albeit, alimentary, allocate, alluvial, amalgamate, ambrosia, amiable, amicable, amuck, animadversion, annuity, aphorism, apothegm, apparition, appraise, aquiline, arable, ardor, artifice, asinine, askance, asperity, aspersion, atrocity, audacity, audit, austere, balmy, banal, bantering, barrister, barterer, trinket, bauble, belabor, bereft, besmirch, betroth, bilious, bland, blighted, blithe, bogus, brazen, bristling, buffoonery, burlesque, buxom, cadaver, canard, candor, canvass, capacious, caustic, celibate, censure, chattel, chiropodist, chrulish, boorish, claustrophobia, cleft, cognomen, collier, commandeer, commodious, conciliate, condone, confiscate, conformity, congenital, connubial, contentious, contraband conversant, copious, cornice, countermand, coy, coquettish, craven, crypitc, dais, dawdle, debonair, decrepit, defection, defile, deleterious, delude, depilate, depravity, deranged, deride, desecrate, devoid, devout, diabolical, diffidence, dilate, diminution, disheveled, disinterested, dismember, disparate, dissection, dissipate, distend, distraught, diurnal, divulge, docile, doff, doggerel, domicile, droll, dubious, duress, efface, effeminate, effigy, elation, emaciated, ennui, ephemeral, exonerate, exorbitant, expatriate, extemporaneous, extenuate, extraneous, extricate, fabricate, fatalism, fatuous, fauna, ferment, fervid, fervor, fete, fickle, filch, flail, thresh, flair, flamboyant, fleck, flora, florid, flux, foist, foment, foolhardy, foppish, forensic, formidable, foster, frailty, fritter, furor, furtive, galleon, galvanize, gamester, garbled, garish, glib, glossy, gnome, gorge, granulate, grisly, grotto, gruel, gullible, gusty, hackneyed, haggard, haphazard, harridan, hawser, hilarity, mirth, homily, homonym, hubbub, idolatry, imbue, impassive, impeach, impetuous, impetus, import, inalienable, inane, incessant, inclement, incognito, incorrigible, incriminate, inculcate, indigent, indolence, infallible, infirmity, ingrate, insinuate, insipid, insolent, insolvency, intellect, interim, intrepid, irrelevant, irreverent, jaundiced, kismet, lackadaisical, lackey, languish, levity, libertine, libretto, litigation, livid, luster, malediction, malefactor, mall, maniacal, marital, mausoleum, mediocre, memento, menial, mercantile, misdemeanor, misogynist, modish, mollify, molt, muggy, munificient, musty, nebulous, nefarious, obelisk, obtuse, oculist, odious, ogle, opiate, opportune, optician, optometrist, pallet, palliate, parallelism, paranoia, paraphernalia, odds-and-ends, parlance, parvenu, upstart, pendant, pendent, jutting, perfidy, perfunctory, perimeter, periphery, pernicious, pert, perturb, petulant, touchy, peevish, phial, pillage, placate, plaintive, posterity, preamble, precept, prefatory, presentiment, effrontery, prim, probity, prodigal, promontory, headland, protract, prurient, puerile, pulchritude, punitive, purgatory, expiation, purveyor, putrid, quaff, quandary, quixotic, ramification, raucous, ravage, rebate, reconnaissance, reconnoitering, recuperate, refectory, regale, reimburse, reiterate, relish, remediable, remonstrate, reparation, repartee, replenish, requiem, restive, retentive, rime, roan, rostrum, ruddy, sadistic, saga, sagacious, salvage, savor, secession, senility, serendipity, servile, shambles, sherbet, shoddy, silt, sinister, skittish, frisky, sleazy, slovenly, sojourn, slovent, stanch, statute, stupor, stymie, suavity, succor, summation, sundry, superfluity, surfeit, swathe, cloy, tacit, tentative, provisional, tenure, tepid, tipple, tome, tract, transgression, traverse, treatise, trek, tribunal, turnkey, ungainly, unguent, usury, vanguard, vantage, vaunted, veer, vegetate, venal, venial, veracious, voracious, verdant, verdant, verity, vertigo, vestige, viand, vicarious, victuals, visage, whit, wrest, whoosh

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