169. 形容詞與副詞三級句法:
比較級結構,用於比較兩同性質或類形之名詞或動作狀態:be + 形容詞比較級 + than 以及 v. + 副詞比較級 + than
His motorbike is cheaper than mine, but it runs faster. (他的機車比我的便宜,但跑起來卻比我的快。)
170. 形容詞與副詞之比較級形:單音節形容詞或兩音節字尾為子音加 y 之形容詞 + er;more + 兩音節以上或兩音節字尾非為子音加 y 之形容詞,亦有例外。
Buy Kawasaki VN900! It looks bigger, prettier, and more economic. (買川崎 VN900 吧!比較大,比較漂亮,而且又比較省油。)
171. 二者較 ~ 的一個之句構:
the + 形容詞比較級 + of the two。(僅限二同屬性集合比較時使用。)
Ron has an older brother, but Ron is the more introverted of the two. (志榮有個大哥,但志榮是他倆中較內向的一個。)
172. 形容詞與副詞的最高級結構,用以表示三者或以上之同性質或類形之名詞或動作狀態之最者:the + 形容詞或副詞之最高級,亦有其他表示方法 (另詳 177、178 條)。
There are over 10 brand-new motorcycles at Ron’s store, and Honda Shadow 400 is the smallest. (志榮車行裡擺著超過十台以上的全新重型機車,其中本田 Shadow 400 是最小的一台。)
173. 形容詞與副詞之最高級形: the + 單音節形容詞或兩音節字尾為子音加 y 之形容詞 + est;the most + 兩音節以上或兩音節字尾非為子音加 y 之形容詞。
Among all the transportation vehicles, bikes are the slowest, planes are the speediest, and modified motorcycles are the most special. (交通工具之中,腳踏車最慢,飛機最快,而改裝機車最特別。)
174. much + 比較級或最高級句構:~ 得多;如:大得多、好得多...等。
Ron’s Japanese is much better than his English; that’s because he watches Japanese movies much more often than he watches English ones. (志榮的日文比英文好得多了,那是因為他看日片 (アダルトビデオ) 比看歐美片頻繁得多。)
175. 同等比較句構:
be + as + 形容詞原級 + as 或 v. + as + 副詞原級 + as (~ 和 ~ 一樣...)
Victor is as tall as Ron but is not as light as he. (松濤和志榮一樣高,但不像志榮一樣輕。)
176. 劣等比較句構:
be + less + 形容詞原級 + than 或 v. + less + 副詞原級 + than (比較不...)
Yoshimura mufflers are less loud than those of MotoGP prototype. (和蠍子管比起來,吉村管比較沒那麼大聲。)
177. 利用形容詞或副詞原級表示最高級之句構:
No other + 名詞 + be + so + 形容詞原級 + as 或 No other + 名詞 + v. + so + 副詞原級 + as (雖是原級,但有最高級意味。)
Motors at Ron’s store are the cheapest in Taipei.
= No motors at other stores in Taipei are so cheap as those at Ron’s.
= No other motors at any other stores in Taipei are as cheap as those at Ron’s.
= 全台北沒有一家車行的車能像志榮賣的車一般,如此便宜。
= 全台北沒有一家車行的車能像志榮賣的車一樣便宜。)
178. 利用形容詞或副詞比較級表示最高級之句構:
名詞 + be + 形容詞比較級 + than any other + 或
名詞 + be + 形容詞比較級 + than all the other + 或
No other + 名詞 + v. + 副詞比較級 + than (雖是比較級,但有最高級意味。)
Ron is the slimmest in his family.
= Ron is slimmer than any other family member in his family.
= Ron is slimmer than all the other family member in his family.
= No other family member in his family is slimmer than Ron.
= 志榮比全家 (除他本人以外) 任何一位成員都要來得苗條。
= 志榮比全家 (除他本人以外) 所有成員都要來得苗條。
= 家中沒有一位成員 (除他本人以外) 比志榮苗條。)


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