The following 20 sage mottos will be managed to prsent in various tones of translation as my daily little word game:
【原文】Allocutions On Havard's Library Walls
1. Sleep now, Dream will come out; Study now, Dream will come true.
2. My wasteful today is the tomorrow those losers begging for.
3. The earliest moment is when you think it's too late.
4. Better do it today than tomorrow.
5. The pain of study is temporary, the pain of not study is lifelong.
6. You do not lack time to study, you are lacking the efforts.
7. There might not be a ranking of happiness but there is surely a ranking of success.
8. Study is one but not the only component of your life, but if you cannot even overcome this single component, what can you overcome?
9. Please enjoy the pain if it is unavoidable
10. Get up early, Grind out hardy, Gain on success
11. Nobody success easily without complete self-control and strong perseverance
12. Time passes by.
13. Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear.
14. Study like a Dog; Play like a gentleman!
15. Stop walking today and you'll have to run tomorrow.
16. People who invest the future are the true realists.
17. Education equals income.
18. Today never comes back.
19. Even at this very moment your competitors will not stop flipping pages.
20. No pain, No gain.
1. 多睡片時,或有好夢;勤讀不輟,美夢成真。
2. 蹉跎的今日,將成為敗者明日的慟悔。
3. 生於憂患。
4. 把握當下。
5. 苦勤有功,是為真樂;樂戲無益,是為真苦。
6. 非無暇功課,惟無心進德。
7. 成功的快樂乃由一連串不快樂的時光所構成的。
8. 讀書一事,譬若一粟;且不能為,將以何為?
9. 當痛苦無法避免時,不如享受它吧!
10. 起得早,表現好,將來一定不得了。
11. 自律自勵,方能有成。
12. 莫等閒,空悲切。
13. 平日辛苦的汗水,將化為明日歡笑的淚珠。
14. 用功像隻狗,玩耍學太守。
15. 今日慢活你不做,明日趕工愁必多。
16. 最佳的理財為投資明日。
17. 書中自有黃金屋。
18. 往事只能回味。
19. 你當知道,你的對手從不懈怠。
20. 要怎麼收穫,先那麼栽。
- Apr 14 Wed 2010 00:00