After the book ‘Life After Life’ was published, Moody seemed to be busier with those deluges of journalistic interviews, academic lectures, and other more statements and researches of NDE cases. So his ex-wife Louise called Danny if he would help Moody with some of his organizational skill that he had neither time nor patience for. In the year of 1976, the health condition of Danny was much better though his heart detriment hindered him from a longer life expectancy. During that time, Danny has also learned many social and communicational skills from Moody such as not keeping thinking himself as Jesus Christ and preaching to people only when they want to listen to him.

Danny went to Charlottesville to give Moody a hand. There he answered phones, fielded requests for media interviews, and set up speaking schedules that had Moody travel far corners in the world. Through the work there, Danny came across many others like him who had also NDE and learned a lot from those stories that scientists now agree that NDE is not a dream.

Although Danny had collected many NDE cases, he found few had his own kind, that is, one of a kind, which covered so complete and detailed experiences. Some might be close, but not so comprehensive. Meeting these people also convinced he that he was not insane. Like other people who had NDE, he began to realize that he was special, not insane. Instead of feeling ashamed or humiliated, they suddenly felt good about themselves. Still, along with confidence in his sanity, Danny gained an even stronger feeling and appeal for his mission: to build the centers. This mission was, in essence, his message. Though he never wanted to do the job, yet only a fool would resist a mandate from God.

Then Danny made a discovery that truly jolted him.

To be continued...

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