Danny discovered that he got a power to read people’s mind. Through many conversations with friends, Danny always upstaged his friends by telling them what they would like to say later, which was still held in their mouths. This made his friend’s jaws dropped. Danny often answered the questions even before they asked. He just ‘heard’ what they were going to say. It was just as much a shock to him as to those baffled to whom he was talking.

His ability to read minds improved rapidly; so rapidly that it almost ruined negotiations on a business deal. Danny had three partners who engaged in the sale of some electronic equipment with members of a Norwegian shipping company. As they sat with the Norwegians at a conference table, they began to speak to one another in Norwegian. They were agreeing on the questions they were going to ask Danny and his partners before asking in English. Though they spoke in Norwegian, Danny understood them perfectly by reading their minds. After telling them the truth, the partners began that such condition would ruin the deal for no one wanted their minds to be read. From then on, Danny would not reveal his extrasensory to others, but that didn’t mean he didn’t use such power to keep others from taking advantage of him. Once, Danny found through mind reading that a new vendor was trying to upload defective electronic parts to them.

During this period, Danny gained another extraordinary power as to see ‘movies’, namely, Danny would look at someone and suddenly see snippets from one’s life as if he was looking a home video. Or he would pick up an object that someone owned and see scenes from the life of the owner. Sometimes he touched something old and would have a vision of that object’s history.

In 1985, Danny took a business trip via London. As he stepped in front of the Parliament house, he stopped to adjust his shoes. He put his hand on the handrail and he suddenly smelled horses, saw people playing croquet in spring clothes, gentlemen wearing derbies walking by. It was a scene of 1800’s! Danny was awestruck and could not get out of the surroundings till his friend pulled his hand loose from the rail for he saw Danny was in some kind of trance.

Such bizarre experiences were yet not the first time happening since the lightning struck him. They kept coming in Danny’s life that often scared most of the people.

Sometimes, Danny admitted, he would apply his supernatural sense in dishonest ways, such as in card games. He also successfully predicted the winning football teams 156 times in a row, including, in about 80% of those games, the scores. But he soon felt guilty about using these powers in such a way. He felt that they had a certain God-given aspect to them that made them holy. So Danny abruptly stopped gambling and began looking for positive ways to use his psychic powers. Instead of betting, which was not spiritually fulfilling, he talked to others who were pursuing more spiritually fulfilling activities than gambling. It was no parlor tricks, and it would not be used to shock people.

Danny told Moody that he could read minds, but, as usual, he didn’t buy it. Feeling a bit angry by being challenged, Danny wanted to prove Moody about his ability. And he did prove it by choosing randomly about 5 people in a restaurant to read their minds by touching their hands. Moody finally believed that something truly extraordinary was happening. But neither he nor Danny knew how and why.

If there was any consolation in having such psychic abilities, to Danny, that would be that other NDE people had them, too. Danny had yet to meet a person who had NDE without flashes of precognition or well-developed intuitive powers.

The most interesting example of psychic powers to com from a NDE was told to Danny by his coauthor about a researcher named Frank Baranowski in Mesa, Arizona. In 1979, he had the chance to interview a bishop at the Vatican shoes heart stopped for several minutes as the result of a heart attack. He had a NDE that was so startling to his fellow churchmen that Pope John Paul was summoned to his bedside.

The Pope asked if he had seen God. The bishop was not certain. He had been greeted at the end of the tunnel by a stranger who had escorted him to a bright and loving light. That’s all. On his way back, he passed through the walls of the Vatican and went into the pope’s dressing chamber.

'What was I wearing?’ asked the Pope. Then the bishop perfectly described the garments the Pope wore for his morning office. After he returned to health, the psychic experience continued. The bishop was able to predict a number of things, including the heart attacks of two fellow church officials.

In a book entitled ‘Transformed by the Light’ published by Dr. Melvin Morse, hundreds of NDE cases were examined to own verifiable psychic experiences than the average population, more than 4 times the number, according to his study. Most of these abilities were simple, like premonition of phone calls, prophetic dreams, and so on.

Rather than ignoring them or chalk them up as coincidence, Dr. Morse chose to examine them more closely and concludes that there was indeed ‘something’, which Danny also didn’t know what it should be, about the NDE that made people more psychic. Some thought there was an area of the brain that became sensitized by near death and that it was the area responsible for psychic communications. Others believed, as Freud, that people communicated in a psychic fashion before they developed speech and that the NDE revived these psychic abilities.

To be continued...

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