191. 「假設語氣」 的定義:用以表達假設、想像、或願望等非事實的句形結構稱之。共分為 「可能的未來」、「與現在及未來事實相反」、「與過去事實相反」、及 「不確定的推想」 等四種結構:
a. 「可能的未來」,表說話者主觀認知未來極有可能發生事件之語氣:
If + S + V現在簡單式 (雖有未來意味,仍須以簡單式表之!) + O/SC ..., S/S’ + will/should/can/may/must + V + O/SC ... (if 子句亦可後置,不用加逗號。)
If Ron keeps reading the grammar introductories and memorizing new words, he will soon be good at making sentences. (如果志榮能勤讀文法和勤背生詞,很快便能通曉造句了。)
= Ron will soon be good at making sentences if he keeps reading the grammar introductories and memorizing new words.
或 If + S + V現在簡單式 (雖有未來意味,仍須以簡單式表之!) + O/SC ..., 祈使句. (if 子句亦可後置,不用加逗號。)
If you have any problems in your life, ask Him for help! (若在生活上有什麼困惑,問問祂吧!)
= Ask Him for help if you have any problems in you life.
b. 「與現在及未來事實相反」,表說話者主觀認知未來絕不可能或至少當下絕不可能發生事件之語氣:
If + S + were/V過去式 (雖有未來意味,仍須以過去式表之!)+ O/SC ..., S/S’ + would/could/should/might/must + V + O/SC ... (if 子句亦可後置,不用加逗號。)
If Ron were an Australian, I might not have the chance to know him. (如果志榮是澳洲人,我恐怕就沒機會認識他了。)
If Ron spoke good French, he would head for Paris as a mechanic next year rather than Perth. (如果志榮會講一口流利的法文,那麼他明年應去巴黎而非柏斯當技師。)
If I were Ron, I would spend at least one hour on English every day. (如果我是志榮,我每天至少會花一小時讀讀英文。)
c. 「與過去事實相反」,表說話者主觀假想與過去已發生事件事實相反之語氣,常帶有些許感嘆意味:
If + S+ had + V過去分詞 + O/SC ..., S/S’ + would/should/could/might/must + have + V過去分詞 + O/SC ... (if 子句亦可後置,不用加逗號。)
If I had listened to my Father earlier, I would have not wasted so much time! (我要是早一點聽  天父的話,就不會浪費那麼多時間了!)
If I had bought my bike after knowing Ron, I would have saved a lot of money. (要是在認識志榮之後才買車,就可以省下不少錢了。)
If Victor had not been so timid yesterday, he could have gotten the girl’s phone number already. (松濤昨天要是不那麼害羞的話,他早就要到那女孩的電話了。)
d. 「不確定的推想」,表說話者主觀推想未來不太可能發生事件之語氣:
If + S + should + V + O/SC ..., S/S’ + would/could/should/might/must + V + O/SC ... 或祈使句 (if 子句亦可後置,不用加逗號。)
If Ron should go to Australia tomorrow, he would say good-bye to me today. (要是志榮明天真的就去澳洲了,他今天應該會跟我說聲再見才對。)
If it should rain later, simply buy an umbrella at a nearest shop. (要是待會兒真的下雨了,乾脆就近買把傘吧!)
192. 假設語氣的其他表現與結構:
a. 祈願、歡呼 (特殊倒裝句形):
God save the King! (天祐吾皇!) = It would be great if God saves the King.
Long live the ROC! (中華民國萬歲!) = It would be great if the ROC could live long.
b. wish 多表難以實現的願望,準 191-b :
I wish I were like Ron to go to Australia! (但願我能像志榮一樣去澳洲。)
I wish I knew how to fix the bike! (但願我懂如何修機車!)
c. wish 亦可表對過去事實的感嘆:
I wish I could have known Him earlier! (要是能早點兒認識祂該有多好啊!)
d. What if ...! 或 If only ...! 亦可表對過去事實的感嘆:
What if my wallet had not been lost! (要是皮夾沒弄丟就好了!)
What if I had had my first bike maintained by Ron! (要是當初我的第一台機車給志榮保養就好了!)
If only I would have studied English harder! (要是以前用功點兒讀英文就好了!)
"If only I could have three right hands!” (“能有三隻右手該有多好!” 此語出自美國高球名將 Ben Hogan,用以表示右手力量之於擊球的重要。)
e. as if ... 表 「彷彿、好似...」,後接假設語氣:
Ron speaks English as if he were an American. (志榮說起英文來,好像美國人一樣。)
I saw those clients thank Ron as if he had saved their lives. (我見許多客人感謝志榮,彷彿志榮曾救過他們一命似的。)
f. had better (最好能...) 中之 had,為假設語氣表示:
As a long-distance motorist, you had better replace the tires every half year. (身為一名長途騎士,最好每半年更換一次輪胎。) = If you as a long-distance motorist replace the tires every half year, it would be better.
g. would rather ... (寧願...),為假設語氣表示:
I would rather lose my life than to forsake my Lord. (寧可失去性命,也不願離棄我主。) = If I could choose to forsake my Lord, I would chose to lose my life instead.
h. should like to ... (倒是願意...),為假設語氣表示,多具與一般期望相左之意味:
Victor should like to make friends with the destitute instead of the affluent. (相對於有錢人,松濤倒是願意和窮人做朋友。) = If it is possible, Victor may like to make friends with the destitute instead of the affluent.
Other than many mechanics, Ron should like to open a motor workshop in Africa some day. (有別於許多技師,將來志榮倒是想在非洲開機車行。) = If it is possible, Ron would open a motor workshop in Africa some day. (But many other mechanics won’t do this.)
i. if 亦可省略,此時須將 were, had 前置,其他句形則前置情狀助動詞 should, could 等;省略用法中,二句不可前後倒置:
If I were richer, I could help more people. (我要是更有錢的話,就可幫助更多人。) = Were I richer, I could help more people.
If he had listened to you, he would have not made such mistake. (他要是早點兒聽你的,就不會犯下這個錯誤了。) = Had he listened to you, he would have not made such mistake.
If it is sunny this afternoon, I’ll go out eating with you. (下午天氣要是出太陽,我就和妳一起出去吃。) = Should it be sunny this afternoon, I’ll go out eating with you.
If you could (should) learn all the skills, you could also go to Australia with Ron. (這些技巧要是能全學會,你也可以跟志榮一樣去澳洲。) = Could (此時若用should,表示說話者主觀認為此事較不可能發生。然現已多用 should 概括表之。) you learn all the skills, you could also go to Australia with Ron.


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