198. 「副詞子句」 的定義:用以表示主句之原因、結果、讓步、假設、目的、時間、地點、以及其他情狀修飾之子句稱之。
除 ‘so’ 所連接表結果之副詞子句外,所有副詞子句皆可與主句前後倒置,已如前例 (191) 所示,此略。各用法分類如下:
a. 表原因,如 because, as, for... 等所連接的子句:
I know much about motorcycles because Ron often teaches a lot. (關於摩托車,我懂得不少,全是因為志榮教我的關係。)
As there is always a lot of jam at rush hour, Ron will never ride on his Scorpio at that time. (由於尖峰時間交通壅塞,所以志榮絕不在那時候騎重機外出。)
b. 表結果,如 so所連接的子句:
Ron would like to change his track of career, so he begins studying mycology. (因為志榮想換個跑道,所以他開始研究黴菌學。)
c. 表讓步,如 though, although, even + if, when, though... 等所連接的子句:
Though you know English well, that doesn’t mean you can read motor instruction without difficulty. (儘管你很會英文,但這並不代表你能無礙地閱讀重機操作手冊。)
Even when the driver of the 911 Turbo stepped down the throttle fully, he still couldn’t catch up with Victor’s BMW335. (即便是保時捷911車手把油門踩到底,他仍追不上松濤的 BMW335。)
d. 表假設,詳 191 以下諸條。
e. 表目的,如 in order that, so that... 等所連接的子句:
In order that Ron can talk freely with Australians next year, Ron spares half an hour every night after work to study English. (為了明年能順利地與澳佬溝通,志榮每天下班後都撥出半小時讀英文。)
Jesus loves me so much that I am willing to do anything for Him. (耶穌是如此愛我,這使得我願為 祂作任何事。)
f. 表時間,如 when, as, until... 等所連接的子句:
When you get to Heaven, you’ll realize what I’ve done to you in the past. (等你哪天到了天堂時,你才會明白我過去對你所做的一切。)
Ron smiles as the seventh bike today slides into his workshop. (看到今天第七台車入店內,志榮笑了。)
Not until you have to use the book will you understand how important it is. (書到用時方恨少。) 倒裝句型詳 194。
g. 表地點,如 wherever所連接的子句:
Wherever you go around Taipei, you can see big motorbikes all over. (無論你身在台北何處,都可以看到重機的蹤跡。)
h. 表其他情狀修飾,如 the..., the..., instead that, as... 等所連接的子句:
The more you learn, the more humble you’ll become. (學滿則謙。)
Instead that Ron bought his girlfriend a ring, he sent her a warm kiss. (志榮送給她女友的禮物,不是戒指,而是一個熱情的吻。)
As we can see, the main reason of unexpected choke of this bike is its mis-installed drain tap. (很顯然地,導致這台車常熄火的主因是由於排氣閥門安裝不正確所致。)
whether 亦可領導副詞子句,修飾全句的情狀:Victor will go to Japan whether you like it or not. (無論你喜歡與否,松濤都要去日本。)
199. 「關係副詞子句」 的定義:修飾主句中地方、時間、或情狀副詞或主(受)詞補語中之一字或全部之子句稱之。多為逗點後加 where, when, in which, 或 in ways that 等連接之子句:
a. I like San-chung City, where I met Ron a year ago. (我喜歡三重,那是我認識志榮的地方。) 關係副詞子句修飾受詞 San-chung City。
b. I like to live in San-chung City, where I met Ron a year ago. (我喜歡住三重,那是我認識志榮的地方。) 關係副詞子句修飾地方副詞 in San-chung City。
c. I like the summer of San-chung City, when I met Ron a year ago. (我喜歡三重的夏天,那是我認識志榮的時節。) 關係副詞子句修飾受詞 the summer。
d. I like to ride in summer, when I met Ron a year ago. (我喜歡夏天騎車,那是我認識志榮的時節。) 關係副詞子句修飾時間副詞 in summer。
e. I like to stay in Ron's workshop, in which (=where) I learn a lot about motor knowledge. (我喜歡待在志榮重機工作室裡,那是我習得重機知識的地方。) 用 in which 而不用 where,多因該地方或場所主觀認知較不遼闊、且多為建築物室內之故。
f. I am the very country, where my people survive without fear and worry. (朕即國家,吾民無憂無懼所賴以存續者。) 關係副詞子句修飾主詞補語 country。
g. Chris hit the ball effortlessly, in ways that the ball were as light as a feather. (世榮擊球輕鬆自在,彷彿球似羽毛般輕盈。) 關係副詞子句修飾情狀副詞 effortlessly。
- Nov 19 Sat 2011 00:00
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