My name is Evelyn Huang, born in July, 8th, 1990, into a family of four members, where Father is an entrepreneur in electronical fields, Mother a diligent housewife, and a younger sister in senior high school.

At times schooling in Dun-hwa Primary School, Taipei, my whole family once managed to emigrant to Canada in preparing for my secondary education and later back to Taiwan in Dun-hwa Junior High School. Through JHEE (Joint High school Entrance Examination) I was luckily permitted to Da-chi Senior High School while later my family chose Yen-ping Senior High School for me. After that without a hitch, I graduated from Informatics Dept and Institute in Tam-kang University.

During college and graduate school, I participated devotedly in activity organizing of my department and clubs in charge of backing up and general executive affairs, giving a helping hand to activity leaders and vice leaders in aspects of meeting arrangement such as recording and information gathering, anniversary alumni balls, welcome parties for freshmen, other related promotions in information weeks, and so on.

In graduate school as PMA, my main interests focus primarily on cloud tech as well as service calculating lab, in which a further research has been on Android APP and AI robotics.

Within campus study, it was a must, in my opinion, to take a couple of part-time jobs for data orientations as tagging, filing, item order recoding, so I worked with piles of books, to me are data to be organized, in National Library.

Beside above said, I read, listen to classical music, and see a movie in my free time.

In accordance with my training and education, I personally hope to devote myself in relative categories as product management or project monitoring, by which I might be in interact with other authorities and expertise concerned.

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