
英翻中,答對一題 8 分,加到一百分為止,不答不給分:

1. circadian rhythm

2. detox

3. be primed for

4. triglyceride

5. delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

6. caveat

7. erectile dysfunction

8. lats

9. exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH)

10. compression gear

11. electrolyte dysfunction

12. rheumatoid arthritis

13. herniated discs

14. at bay

15. guacamole


加分題 (本題答對得一百分,總分超過一百以一百分計算):What's the difference between abbreviation, acronym, and initialism?




答案 (如題順序):1. 生活步調 2. 節食療法、少食療法 (例如戒除零食甜食等) 3. 對~事先有所知悉、有所準備 4. 三酸甘油脂 5. 延遲性肌肉痠痛 6. 限制條款、(行為前的) 警告 7. 勃起障礙 8. 背闊肌 (lassitimus dorsi 的縮寫) 9. 運動型低鈉血症 10. (跳有氧舞蹈等所穿的) 緊身衣著 11. 電解質不平衡 12. 類風溼性關節炎 13. 椎間盤突出 (簡稱;全名為 HIVD,Herniated Intervertebral Disc) 14. (動物) 被圍捕、走投無路;此指健康狀況出問題 15. 酪梨醬 (南美洲阿茲特克傳統料理,類似酪梨或鱷梨 (學名 persea americana、英文俗稱 avocado) 所製成之果醬)



Abbreviations and Acronyms
Any shortened form of a word is an abbreviation, for example, etc. for etcetera and Oct. for October; but acronyms are special kinds of abbreviations, such as ROFL Abbreviations(rolling on the floor laughing) and OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), that can be pronounced as words. This makes them a subset of abbreviations. All acronyms are abbreviations, but not all abbreviations are acronyms.

Initialisms are another type of abbreviation. They are often confused with acronyms because they are made up of letters, so they look similar, but they can't be pronounced as words. FBI and CIA are examples of initialisms because they're made up of the first letters of Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency, respectively, but they can't be pronounced as words. NASA, on the other hand, is an acronym because even though it is also made up of the first letters of the department name (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), it is pronounced as a word, NASA, and not by spelling out the letters N, A, S, A.

So remember: Initialisms are made from the first letter (or letters) of a string of words, but can't be pronounced as words themselves. Examples include FBI, CIA, FYI (for your information), and PR (public relations). Acronyms are made from the first letter (or letters) of a string of words but are pronounced as if they were words themselves. Examples include NASA, NIMBY (not in my backyard), and hazmat* (hazardous materials). Abbreviations are any shortened form of a word.

Style Guide
Finally, there's no strict rule about putting periods after each letter in an acronym or initialism. Some publications put periods after each letter, arguing that because each letter is essentially an abbreviation for a word, periods are necessary. Other publications don't put periods after each letter, arguing that the copy looks cleaner without them, and that because they are made up of all capital letters, the fact that they are abbreviations is implied. ~ adapted form quick and dirty tips

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