A. A Helping Hand (協助他人):
Maybe you've heard phrases or seen the words printed on a bumper sticker. The saying is a plea for people to do kind things for no particular reasons, with no particular plans. It goes like this: 'Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.' I don't know where it originated or who said it first. But I have seen people putting the idea into practice. (65;這只是約略的字數,後同)

Kindness can be catching, just as cruelty can be. When we do something unexpected and nice for another person, who knows where that act of kindness might end? (30)


I've noticed people putting quarters into parking meters so that a stranger's car wouldn't be ticketed. I've heard of someone paying a family's bill in a restaurant, then leaving before the family found out. I once knew one of my classmates who was consistent in not letting a day go by without giving someone a sincere compliment. (55)

B. Learning (學習相關):  
Statement (philosophy):  
Three little words can make students learn better. However, they are quite simple as “I don't know.” Although the words seem elementary, many people find them difficult to say. They will do almost anything to evade admitting they don't know something. (40)

We should respect someone who is honest enough to say, “I don't know.” So the next time you're asked a question you can't answer, admit it. Say just you don't know. The brief discomfort you may feel is less than the immense trouble you'll avoid. (45)


I was often asked by a queue of classmates about what to do when several exams and assignments coincide; especially when they have a test and many quizzes the same week that a paper or a report is due. To deal with this situation, don't panic, which will only aggravate your problem. (50)

According to my personal experience, utilize some study skills that will make you a better manager of your time. For example, I have got considerable help simply by planning well. Figure out what will take the most time; probably the test will need more study time than the quiz, and a long report might take more time than a short paper. Setting aside suitable amounts of time will give you a sense of control. Find a quiet place to work, and don't allow any interference from your friends, roommates, TV, radio, or MP3 players. (95)

C. Memories (個人經驗回憶): 
I would never forget that…  

1. sweet memories:  
… I could fix up furniture that people have disposed of. Instead of spending a lot of money on new furniture, I once recycled an old chair thrown out by a relative in a trash pile. I liked the challenge of restoring them to their original condition. I really practiced a lot of carpentry on repairing the broken chair. When I saw a shiny new chair standing firmly in front of my eyes, I felt so excited and proud that I found an inexpensive and eco-friendly way to get some pleasure from an ordinary daily life. (100)

2. normal:  
… once a salesman demonstrated his vacuum cleaner on the living room rug of my house. The first thing he did was deliberately wipe his muddy feet on our rug. Next, he dumped an abundant amount of ashes onto it. Then he vacuumed the mess up. In no time, there was a difference between the rest of the rug and the part he had dirtied and then cleaned.
The machine was indeed so great! He told me how lucky I was to have a chance to buy it, because of a great reduction in the price. Sadly, I had to tell him that even the lower price was too high for me. He then quickly thanked me and left. (125)

3. bad: 
… I once gave an English speech in class. I got so anxious even thinking about getting up in front of the whole class. I didn't know why I was so worried then. I guess I was afraid that I would humiliate myself. 
I had done a thorough job of preparing my speech in advance, though. I couldn't but compare myself with others and worry about whether my work was inferior to theirs. My fear grew stronger when the performance of some classmates before me overwhelmed me, which prevented me from doing a good job. I kept talking to myself that as long as I made an effort, my speech would be all right. However, all I've tried was in vain. I was just stunned on the platform, with my mouth palely closed, saying out not a word. That was really embarrassing. (145) 

D. Sightseeing (旅遊參訪遊歷):  
Located in ______, ______ is a place that is relatively not very big in size but big in reputation. Spanning only no larger than ______, it has become one of the famous resorts in the world and an important business center. Currently, pharmaceuticals, finance, and even technology are what bring many visitors to ______. But those are not all that ______ has to offer. (70) 

For those who like nocturnal action, ______'s night pops are open until midnight. There you are bound to meet people of various complexions and from exotic cultures, which provide a totally different aspect to observe this wonderful land. (40)

If you are ready to discover a place on the cutting edge and you have got the manners to match, ______ is the perfect destination! (25)

E. Generalization: (作文公式,尤其適合論說文;可依題目需求自由變換段落加減字詞;建議組合 1+2+3+6,或  1+2+4,或 1+2+5,或 1+2+6)

1. I sometimes wonder if there is anyone who feels reluctant to V. I am personally quite in favor of N. while N'. is the one that I fancy least. (30+)  

2. There is absolutely no doubt that our daily lives are accompanied with N. It, which cannot be too much emphasized, plays so important a role for all of us that the earlier we could realize it, the more meaningfully we could ever enjoy our lives. (45+) 

3. A queue of my friends once asked me about my opinions of it. To be frank, it is rather hard for me to conclude a definite answer as many others did. However, I like N. To be precise, I love N. It can help me with my N". Though I heard many would make a mountain out of a molehill that S, I still think it is worth doing.) (70+)

4. However, I think it would still remain uncertain. What I have to admit is that, in this very moment as a turning point, there is actually no time left for me to hesitate. All I can do is build up a vague image as an ambiguous goal to help reach it. As a student in a traditional society like me, I often have no rights to ask why but do it anyway. (70)  

5.  In spite of my intensive education during these three years, however, I still find myself in a dilemma and have no ideas of what to do, whenever being asked the questions like this. As many other teenagers in Taiwan , I have to do as I am told to under age eighteen. I never seem to be determined. Once I have to make decisions, I get a stiff neck! (70)

6. In short, it would be inevitable for me to feel regretful in case I fail to V. in the rest of my life. It is exactly my incentive to devote myself into the society in the near future. I do hope one day it would be of great benefit to many people in my country! (55) 

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