
Difference Between Lime & Lemon
by John Staughton - October 03, 2018 @ https://www.organicfacts.net

While some people think of a lemon and a lime as interchangeable, there are a number of differences between these two fruits, as well as unique health benefits to both!

Lime vs Lemon
A lemon is a fruit of a small evergreen lemon tree (Citrus limon) that is native to Asia. In comparison, lime is actually a hybridized citrus fruit and comes in many different varieties around the world. However, both lime and lemon are from the same citrus family. The shape of a lemon is ellipsoidal, and the ripened fruit is bright yellow in color. [1] On the other hand, lime is typically round and green and are slightly smaller than most lemons. [2]

Note: Although some people may think that limes are simply lemons that haven’t ripened yet, they are sorely mistaken. Lemons are not ripe limes!

Lime vs Lemon Nutrition
Neither lime nor lemon is a rich source of vitamins and minerals but both are low in calories and are an abundant source of vitamin C.

Vitamin C
Lime: 100 g of lime contains 29 mg of vitamin C, which is 35% of the daily requirement. [3]
Lemon: 100 g of lemon contains 53 mg of vitamin C, which is 64% of the daily requirement. [4]
(Source: USDA National Nutrient Database)

pH Scale
Lime: The pH range of lime is 2.00 to 2.35. [5]
Lemon: The pH range of lemon is 2.00 to 2.60. [5] This makes lemon slightly less acidic than lime.
(Source: US Food and Drug Administration)

Other nutrients
Lime: It is slightly higher in carbohydrates and lower in protein than lemon, but the difference is negligible.
Lemon: It is high in citric acid as well as phytochemicals, tannins, and polyphenolic compounds.
Lime vs Lemon Taste
Lemon typically has more sugar, which often gives it a sweeter flavor than lime, whereas lime is sour or tart, making it ideal for cocktails and beverages. Consuming pure lemon juice or lime juice can be equally unpleasant experiences, which is why they are usually mixed with other beverages or recipes before being consumed.

While the two fruits clearly have a number of differences, in size, color, nutritional value, and species, the two citrus fruits do have a great deal in common as well.

Health Benefits of Lime & Lemon
These two fruit varieties share many of the same health benefits, as outlined below, making them some of the most popular and important citrus fruits you can add to your diet.

Boost Immunity
Lime and lemon are rich in vitamin C, which is also known as ascorbic acid and it helps strengthen the immune system. This critical vitamin stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are the first line of defense for the body when it is attacked by an illness or infection. According to a study conducted at International Antioxidant Research Centre, King’s College, London, the iron and vitamin C, which are present in citrus fruits, prevents oxidative damage of DNA in healthy cells. [6]

Speed up Healing
Vitamin C, present in lemons and limes, plays a critical role in the production of collagen. Collagen is required for growth and development of muscles, skin cells, tissue, and bones throughout the body. Without the vitamin C, the recovery rate of illnesses and injuries would be much slower.

Optimize Digestion
Lemons and limes both contain high levels of dietary fiber, says Dr. Sherry Tanumihardjo, University of Wisconsin‐Madison, Madison, US, in her study. [7] This can easily bulk up the stool, reduce constipation, and eliminate excess gas and bloat. With about 3g of fiber in each fruit, it represents about 10% of the daily recommended amount of fiber.

Boost Circulation
Both of these citrus fruits contain significant levels of iron, which is an important element in hemoglobin. Without proper iron levels, people may suffer from anemia, characterized by weakness, fatigue, cognitive confusion, and light-headedness.

Prevent Cancer
Citrus fruits like lemons and limes contain high levels of other antioxidants, besides vitamin C, which can counteract the effects of free radicals. [8] They aid in lowering oxidative stress and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer.

Weight Loss
The high fiber level and low-calorie count make these citrus fruits ideal for weight-loss. These fruits increase satiety without alleviating your calorie count. This, in turn, helps prevent overeating and snacking between meals, which makes it perfect for someone trying to shed some pounds!

How to use lime and lemon?
For those who are passionate about designing and decorating drinks (cocktails and mocktails), should be well aware of the citric acid content in limes and lemons.

Both lime and lemon with a particular beverage produce different drinks with unique flavors.
For example, lemon juice with vodka results in lemon drop, while lime juice with vodka forms gimlet.
Additionally, lemons due to their tart, refreshing flavor find their applications in various culinary uses more than limes.
Other uses: Lemons are also used in many cleaning products and as an element in natural healing, whereas, limes are used in perfumes and aromatherapy.

About the Author
John Staughton is a traveling writer, editor, and publisher who earned his English and Integrative Biology degrees from the University of Illinois in Champaign, Urbana (USA). He is the co-founder of a literary journal, Sheriff Nottingham, and calls the most beautiful places in the world his office. On a perpetual journey towards the idea of home, he uses words to educate, inspire, uplift and evolve.

Differences Between Lemon and Citron

Lemon vs Citron

Many are quite familiar with lemon, don’t you agree? What about citron? Have you heard of this important ingredient for cooking as well? As a matter of fact, if you do the cooking at home or should you prepare your own dishes, you probably might have used and come across both terms. For the regular layman, though, one might use the term lemon not just occasionally, but would not easily determine how a citron would come into play. This is why differentiating between a lemon and citron is today’s topic for discussion.

For starters, citrus fruits have and will always be considered important because of their health values. To name a few products that are derived from such include oils, flavorings, perfumes, and medicinal products, which are taken from both the fruit and their flowers. Citrus is the term that is used to define and name the group for the fruits of these plants. We will be discussing two of them, namely lemon and citron.

What is a lemon?

Usually yellow or light green, its usual purpose in cooking is its acid juice. It is best used for flavoring and usually used for various drinks. They have a leathery type of skin, are quite aromatic, and they have a juicy pulp. The distinctive sour taste is what makes this a favorite ingredient in cooking and baking. In line with cooking and baking, all parts of this fruit are used, that is, the lemon juice, the rind, and the zest are used. It is great for marinating pork and fish. The lemon juice is used on apples, bananas and avocados to prevent them turning brown after they are sliced. In fact, many types of cuisine include lemon as part of their preparation. This includes Moroccan cuisine, Indian cuisine, and they are also used in certain parts of India.

How is a citron different from a lemon?

A citron, on the other hand, while similarly a fragrant citrus fruit, consists of a dry pulp and only a small quantity of insipid juice. Based from ancient studies, the citron was used mainly for medicinal purposes. It was greatly used to fight seasickness, intestinal problems, pulmonary illnesses, and many more. The oil that is taken from the pulp, or the outermost layer of the rind, is actually used as antibiotic. So unlike lemons, the citron is prized for its outermost yellow rind. Unfortunately, in local grocery shops, you would most likely find lemons but not citrons. Although originally grown in Europe, Southern Italy is quite known for citron candies and many citron products. The one thing that would probably differentiate a citron from lemons is its shape. Citrons have a variety of shapes, and there are many factors that contribute to its highly variable shape. In fact, you would be able to find a fingered citron, having a shape that is quite interesting.


Lemons and citrons are just a few of the fruits that belong to the citrus family. Both are known not just for their exceptional taste that they bring to any and all types of food and drinks, but they are quite famous for their medicinal purposes as well.

Lemons are more common probably because the whole fruit can be of use. While the citron fruit may offer the same, the juice is less than that of the lemon.

Lastly, whether you choose to have lemons or citrons at home, whether you wish to include this as part of your daily drinks like juice, or as an ingredient for that fish for lunch or dinner, you will never go wrong in choosing either variety of citrus fruit.

Read more: http://www.differencebetween.net/object/comparisons-of-food-items/vegetables-fruits/differences-between-lemon-and-citron/#ixzz5V0g8mocT


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