@ drab = a. Dull or commonplace in character; dreary: a drab personality.
@ grim = a. Discouraging or depressing: The business news has been grim lately. / Dismal; gloomy
@ expediency = n. Appropriateness to the purpose at hand.
@ self-indulgent = a. indulging one's own desires, passions, whims, etc., esp. without restraint.
@ ascetic = a. Relating to, characteristic of, or leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, especially for spiritual improvement.
@ austere = a. Strict or severe in discipline; ascetic: a desert nomad's austere life.
@ abstinent = a. of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse.
@ parochial = a. Of, relating to, supported by, or located in a parish (an ecclesiastical district, a church with its field of activity).
@ hormonal = a. of hormon, emotionally impulsive or sentimental
@ browbeaten = a. intimidated or subjugated by an overbearing manner or domineering speech; bully.
@ effectual = a. capable of or successful in producing an intended result; effective
@ extemporaneous = a. Carried out or performed with little or no preparation; impromptu