Tomorrow is the day when we Chinese commemorate one of the greatest sages as the very first teacher's birthday, Confucious, who has been ever devoting to education far back in the Warring States period (403 - 221 BC), Chow Dynasty, also known as Chinese Teacher's Day.
As we all have to admit and be grateful that teachers are essential and vital, of the uppermost importance, to nuture the next young generations both for the wholesome welfare of the country and the future civilization of the world. Indeed, caliber is thus brought about and inspired; then the brightness and the majesty of humanity could outstand over all creatures and be practiced. This laegacy might be the origin of existance, which is perhaps the purpose what humans are created for. And what teachers do is help us realize this and further avail ourselves of our talents respectively, to fulfill and carry out the ultimate plans of our own.
That's all, but that is all.
The best teacher I've ever known, though not since quite long before - who gives me gushes of inspiration and motivation, as well as encouragement and examples as a real living model in his neighborhood, helps me find out my way through my long journey from now on, has the best and the most perfect pedagogic methods the world ever could embrace and be benefited from, still who obesrves but is never arbitrary, respects but never irratates, redirects but never throw bitter lashes at, is convincing but never boasts off cutting-edge eloquency, is modest but never presumptuous, points out what we should do, rather reprimands for what we have misbehaved, is always by my side when I feel upset or frustrated, always gives me hope, endless hopes, along with bountiful opportunities, urges me to try once again and always, and I mean ALWAYS, forgives all my faults and even guilt and sin before, now, and after (So, you might ask if he is also a judge or what, and I give you that...) , and by the way, never takes any vacation, not a single day, not a single moment (However, He stipulates a rule to urge me to take a rest every seven days.) but continues to help me and stay with me all the time - is the One you know for sure and should know better. His name? Well, He is the President Emeritus of a fancy sedan named Alfa and a famous watch workshop Omega, wealthy and all-mighty, but full of kindness and mercy. Please allow me to keep you in suspense like this, only that I would really like to introduce Him to you in person, for He is so great and so nice! He is the best friend I could ever meet in my life, and I believe you will like Him, too.
I wonder why teachers still have to conduct classes on Teacher's Day, to wit, why I should as well have to "watch my senior high teachers suffer", even on their days?!
- Sep 27 Sun 2009 08:08
The Best Teacher