Today is Ivy's, my mom's 64th birthday. She politely declined all of our invitations for any celebrations such as a big dinner or big cake. She wants nothing but to spend some time with her old godmother chatting with her, helping her evade some of the boring time being alone, and her lovely grandson, teaching him some simple arithmetic homework.
She wants nothing, yet that doesn't mean I'm not prepared and willing to give her some small gifts, which are three of them:
The first gift is three books she wants to read out for her pupils at class and Ben's bedtime stories, Tolstoy's books of short story, 'What do humans live for?' and 'Evan the Fool', and Mark Twain's 'Short Stories'. This is my gift for her birthday. And this is also her gift of love to her students and Ben.
The second gift is my determination to keeping strict diet and quitting smoke, which would lead me not to celebrate my and her another 100 birthdays respectively. She worries about my health condition to witness me burning both ends, and she worries if I could still be capable of accomplishing further tasks form Father, or if I could still be robust enough to be a 'wholesome' servant. This is my second gift for her birthday. And this is a gift God gives me as well.
The third gift has again to be divided into three parts, all related to her ambition over me. Now I've completed the first part, and I dedicate the 1/3 to her as a birthday gift this year, my matriculation to law school and getting well accustomed to the tempo and the demand for a law shcool student. I got the zwolfte platz amidst almost 50 legal veterans. I think what I've performed could be counted barely as perfect, but at least ok. So I give her one third of my third small gift, which has been the biggest and the hardest one I could ever attain for her since before.  

Happy 64th birthday, Mom!
Without you, I was no way to be born.
Without you, I have little chance to be reborn.
I'm such honored to be of the legacy from you, so I'll proudly claim to be one of the members of Ivy league.

And of course, I hope she'll soon be proud to have such an intrant too, an intrant to be qualified for the admission to the honorable and prestigious IHS. :)

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