1. 主顯聖容主教座堂 (聖彼得堡)
主顯聖容主教座堂(俄語:собор Преображения Господня всей гвардии)是聖彼得堡的一座東正教教堂,位於鑄造廠大街旁的同名廣場上,靠近Chernyshevskaya地鐵站。與大多數俄羅斯的禮拜場所不同,這座教堂從未停止禮拜。主顯聖容廣場和附近的一條小巷(從前稱為教堂巷,俄語:Церковный переулок,現在稱為主顯聖容巷,俄語:переулок Радищева)都以它得名。
2. Kizhi Pogost
The pogost of Kizhi (i.e. the Kizhi enclosure) is located on one of the many islands in Lake Onega, in Karelia. Two 18th-century wooden churches, and an octagonal clock tower, also in wood and built in 1862, can be seen there. These unusual constructions, in which carpenters created a bold visionary architecture, perpetuate an ancient model of parish space and are in harmony with the surrounding landscape.