Cici’s Homework

Here are the answers of the reading questions in the end of your novel:
Part I:

Chapter 1:

1.      Because if he was a doctor, he could be the ship’s doctor and travel all over the world.

2.      The ship was driven through seas which even the captain didn’t know.

Ch 2:

1.      They built a cart, putting the author on, and sent him to Mildendo, where their king lived. At first, he was left with a strong guard. No one dared get closer to him within three yards. They bound six prisons to him to see if he would swallow them. Instead, after releasing those with his penknife one by one, he was treated more friendly by the people there because they found no reason to be mean or watchful to this giant.

2.      The king was about a half inch taller than the others. He had a fair complexion, not too pale, nor too tanned. His face was strong and manly, with graceful manner and kingly movements. However, he still could not understand the author’s language even the doctor was multilingual.


1.      Because he ate too much. He could ruin the country simply with food. So the advisers wanted to starve him or shoot him with poisoned arrows.

2.      A. Not to leave the kingdom of Lilliput without permission, to enter the palace, Mildendo without permission, and to take care not to injure people there.

B. He had to keep to the main roads and must not lie down in the fields or lift up any people without their permission.

C. He agreed to carry express mails for the king to distant places.

D. To help the workmen in lifting heavy stones.

In return for these promises the author was untied and allowed freedom.


1.      The kingdom of Blefuscu once helped the rebels from Lilliput, who insisted to open an egg at the bigger end.

2.      The giant used a long rope and hooks to tie the warships of Blefuscu together, pulling them toward Lilliput. The whole fleets were suddenly conquered and the Lilliputians won the war effortlessly.


1.      The king of Lilliput wanted the author to grab all the other ships in Blefuscu and take Blefuscu as one of his colonies. The author refused the king’s request, which made him very angry and didn’t trust the giant anymore.

2.      Soon the author was learned from a friend officer of Lilliput that the king and his advisors planned to put him to death by putting out his eyes and letting him starve to death slowly. The author then wrote a letter to the king, telling him he would like to have a trip around, and left Lilliput for Blefuscu beforehand.


1.      One day when the doctor wandered along the beach, he accidentally found a boat floating near. With the help of the worker and the soldiers in Blefuscu, he succeeded repairing the boat equipped with sufficient food and water as well as some small cattle for him to raise back in his own country if he could.

2.      Only the sight of such tiny cattle and sheep personally could prove the author was telling the truth about an amazing story.

Part II:


1.      Two months later, after Gulliver arrived home, he set off again, with his ship, the Adventure, for India, intended. Unfortunately they encountered a huge north-west monsoon half way around Madagascar, which drove them somewhere even the captain didn’t know, which was the country later to be known as Brobdingnag, a country where huge size giants lived.

2.      The author went in different directions as the other sailors did. As he turned back for his ship due to tiredness, he saw all the other crew rowed their boat quickly toward the ship from shores in no regard of him, being chased by a “man-mountain”--- a great giant! So the author was left alone on this rocky island.


1.      The giant farmer seized him around his waist only with two fingers and held him high into the air as a fly held by an elephant. The farmer was so astonished to see such a tiny creature that he had never seen before. As he took the author back to his fellow workmen, they all stared at him with surprise and curiosity.

2.      He was offered dishes and plates with tiny sized at the farmer’s usual supper, though he had thought they were still too large for him. The family took him very interesting, looking at his cute moves at mealtime.


1.      The mistress of the house had a very smart nine-year-old daughter. Her name was Glumdalclitch. She was very good-tempered and taught him how to speak their language. She also fitted up a bed for him in the drawer on a shelf. She called him “Grildrig”, which meant “little man”.

2.      A guest of his farmer master came to see him with funny spectacles, which made him laugh. This angered the old man, so he told the farmer to take the little man to the market, to have him perform in audience or maybe to sell him at a nice price. Expectedly, the performance was very successful, too successful that the little man almost died out of extreme tiredness. He had to perform for so many people day and night except Wed, their official weekly day of rest.


1.      His master was mean and greedy, pushing him to performance in spite that his health condition was worse and worse due to tiredness. Luckily he was rescued from the dangerous circumstances by a messenger from the King’s palace. His master was ordered to bring Gulliver to the Queen, who had heard of his tricks and wanted to see him.

2.      The laugh made him not feel so good for he took it as an insult. But later on he thought if such insult was really an insult. He began to realize how the giants thought when they looked at so small-sized animal like me even with big ideas of its own importance. The difference was so great that he began to think of himself as smaller than he was.


1.      a. A dwarf dropped him into a bowl of cream; he was almost drowned. b. The flies in the palace attacked him. c. A kite tried to snatch him away as he was in the garden.

2.      They laughed because of his littleness and the funny reaction of the monkey. They must have thought, “How could a human be so small as to be mistaken a small monkey by a father monkey?”


1.      The king thought humans were the most violent small animals in the world because they liked wars and invented destructive weapons like gun powders.

2.      The laws were not like ones in our world. Each law would be allowed to be no more than 22 words. Each was easy and simple. Besides, there were few courts or judges and very few law suits.


1.      While the nurse carried the box with Gulliver inside, he asked her to take her to the sea shore for fresher air. The nurse unwillingly ordered a boy servant to take him there. At the seashore the boy went picking bird’s eggs and left the box on the rock. Soon an eagle snatched it away and then dropped it on the sea for certain disturbances. At the moment when water came in the box and nearly drowned him, a group of people speaking English came near and took the box through the sea. Only when he heard someone outside to have a carpenter to drill a hole to get him out did he realize that he was talking to people of the same size as his. The box to them was just as a house as he felt.

2.      He just couldn’t believe his eyes to see people of his own size after being in giant country for over two years. He was simply too surprised and happy to accept this.


1.      At first the captain could hardly believe him till he took out some items from his baggage: a strong comb made of the King’s hair, some needles and pins that were eighteen inches long, a gold ring the Queen once wore then gave him as a collar, his own trousers made of a mouse’s skin, and a tooth from a palace servant, which was as huge as an elephant’s tusk! Under my encouraging, the captain kept the tooth as my gratitude in return.

2.      Wife: Here you finally come back. Can you imagine how worried I had to be while you were missing, not knowing whether you were dead or alive?

Gulliver: I know, my dear. Everything could happen on the sea. You know, I’ve been thinking of you all when I was out during a voyage, especially as I was in great danger.

W: If you did care me and the kids, you would never go out for a dangerous trip!

G: Quite on the contrary, my sweet. I would never have known how much I care you if I had not gone with those daring sailors as a ship doctor.

W: Good of you saying that! You just couldn’t give up your dreams of expedition, could you? Don’t make up stories anymore; I can hear nothing but words.

G: Sorry my dear, never again!

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