A man is reading a paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him right on the back of the head
with a frying pan.
That does ouch!
"What's that for?" The man asked, confusingly.
"Who is Betty Sue? I saw the name on a piece of paper in your pocket." His wife sees all red.
"Oh, that's nothing but a name of a horse I bet on yesterday."
She apoligises and walks away.
Three days later when he's reading a paper as usual, his wife comes up and smacks him on the same spot,
only seeming much harder this time.
"Why again!?" The man looks a bit irritated.
The wife answered calmly, "Your horse called."
1. 出其不意的笑:突然從後腦勺來一棒子,超無厘頭,但快又有效!
2. 反常回應的笑:試想你後腦被人用力打一下後,你的第一個反應會是先問原因,而不生氣嗎?
3. 無力軟弱的笑:外頭拈花惹草?又來了!死男人,真是比比皆是,死性不改!
4. 幸災樂禍的笑:別人家務事,我來看熱鬧,管他死是活,爽也。
5. 明知故犯的笑:再來一棒?!不是道歉了嗎?
6. 張力瓦解的笑:男人已怒,倒要聽聽女人如何能不理虧;此時戲劇張力已達極致,暸解原因竟是這般後,張力頓時瓦解,