Blood proteins abnormal: Consult internal outpatient after 3-6 months.

Lever function abnormal: Avoid late-night drinking and fatigue. Consult gastro-outpatient trace monitoring.

Hepatitis A antibody positive: Indication of immunity against hepatitis A.

※糞便檢查異常 (潛血呈陽性反應+、紅血球1-3、白血球0-1):請至肝膽腸胃科門診複檢 (複檢前5天內勿食豬血、雞血、內臟、肉類、維他命C、鐵劑等食物)。
Excrement abnormal: Occult blood test positive, RBC 1-3, WBC 0-1. Consult gastro-outpatient trace monitoring. Avoid dietary intake of blood, organs, meat, Vitamin C, and chalybeate.

※尿檢異常 (潛血3+、紅血球30-50):若有排尿疼痛、頻尿等症狀,應至泌尿科門診治療;若無相關症狀,請多喝水、勿憋尿並於ㄧ個月後至本中心門診追蹤檢查。
Urinal test abnormal: Occult blood positive, RBC 30-50. Possible symptoms as dysuria or micturition. If so, treatment at urological outpatient is strongly advised. Regular intake fresh water and do not hold the urge of urination. Consult outpatient concerned 1 month later.

Slow impulse and sinus bradycardia: Advised annual cardio trace examination if no symptoms of weakness or weariness, otherwise immediate treatment at cardio medical outpatient.

Gall bladder stone 0.7 cm:No symptoms of 80% gall bladder stone patients in their whole life where annual trace would be enough. Yet the other 20% suffer pain on upper or upper right abdomen, which needs surgical operation by the diagnosis at general surgical outpatient.
※ 膽囊瘜肉0.3-0.8公分:請每半年定期至肝膽腸胃科做超音波檢查;若瘜肉超過1公分大小,宜手術切除。
GB polyps 0.3-0.8 cm:Practice gastro ultrasonic examination every half year. Operation might be necessary when polyp is over 1cm wide.

Suspicious nodes at bilateral breasts: Self breast check-up a week after menstruation and annual regular breast ultrasonic and mammogram are advised. Consult breast surgical outpatient when symptoms as swelling, tenderness, deformation of skin around breast area, nipple bleeding appear.

Slight abnormal of CBC: Please consult our centre for tracing examination after 3 months.

Suspicious adenomyosis of uterus: Due to endometriosis in uterine muscle layers, which may lead to dysmenorrhea, excessive menstrual blood, intercourse pain, or even sterility. Consult genecology outpatient for further examination.

Mild mitral valve regurgitation and mild tricuspid valve regurgitation: Not yet causing cardio malfunctioning. Consult regular annual check at cardiovascular outpatient.

Low BMI: Increase dietary intake of food from six grand categories.

Heart murmur: Most benign, but may be sign of heart disease, including mitral valve prolapsed, atria or ventricle cleft, mitral stenosis, or valvular heart diseases. Trace check at cardiovascular outpatient is advised.

Cerumen impaction: Please consult ENT outpatient.

※心軸向右偏移:可能是正常心電位變化,但無法排除心臟疾病,若有不適現象 (胸悶、氣促、運動後不適...),宜至心臟血管科門診進一步檢查治療。
Lateral shift (right side) of cardio axle: Possibly due to abnormal cardio potential, a sign of concerning heart diseases. Consult cardiovascular outpatient for further examination if symptoms as chest distress, panting, or discomfort after exercising appear.


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